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|<center>Hvis du trykker på pilen kan du se hele menuen.</center>
|<center>Tapping on the arrow will allow you to see the whole menu.</center>
=== Bygge menuen===
=== Building menu===
Dette er byggemenuen. Her kan du finde alle de ting som du kan bygge for nuværende. Du kan se der er flere valgmuligheder her - huse, forsyninger, dekorationer, militær bygninger  og selv udvidelser så du kan gøre din by større; De er alle sammen der. Hvis du kigger på billedet kan du også se at der er 2 knapper helt oppe i toppen i midten FLYT og SÆLG,som er synlige når byggemenuen er åben.
This is the build menu. In here you will find all items currently available for you to build. You can see there are numerous options along here - houses, supplies, decorations, military buildings and even your expansions to make the city bigger; these are all in here. If you look at the image, you can also see that when the build menu is open, at the left side are two small icons MOVE and SELL.

Ved siden af udvidelser er veje, alle de stier og veje som er forsket vil du finde her. Hvis du ønsker at bygge en vej, så klik på den type som du gerne vil bygge og klik så i din by der hvor du gerne vil have at vejen skal begynde. og tryk på det grønne tjekmærke. Så vil du se små pile ved siden af vejen og du kan nu trække pilen i den retning hvor du gerne vil bygge vej, og klikke en gang mere på tjekmærket når du når slut punktet for den ønskede vej. Så vil vejen blive bygget for dig.  

Next to expansions is roads, all trails, and roads unlocked are in here. To build your roads, click on the type you would like build, then on your city place this first segment where you would like the road to begin, and press the green tick. Then you can see small arrows beside this piece of road, swipe along the screen where you wish to build the road, when done press the green tick once more, this will then place the road for you.
Hvis du vil flytte en bygning,skal du trykke på FLYT ikonen sådan at den er fremhævet og derefter klikke på bygningen som du gerne vil flytte. Når den er på det rette sted så klik på det grønne tjekmærke, som vist på billedet nedenfor.


Salg af bygninger virker på samme måde. Først åben byggemenuen, så tryk på SÆLG ikonet så det er fremhævet og klik så på den bygning som du vil sælge. Du vil nu se et lille vindue som beder dig om at bekræfte salget.

If you wish to move a building, you need to tap the MOVE icon so it is highlighted, then click the building you wish to move. Once in the spot you are happy with, click the green tick, as shown on the image below.
Selling items works in the same way. First, open the build menu, then tap the SELL icon so it is highlighted and press the building you wish to sell. You will then get a small window asking you to confirm the action.

===Reconstruction Mode===
{{:Reconstruction Mode (Mobile)}}

=== Forskning===
=== Research===
Hvis du trykker her åbnet forsknings træet. Ved at køre fingeren hen over skærmen kan du trække i skærmen så du kan se fremtidige tidsaldre. Du skal forske visse teknologier før du kan åbne dem som ligger længere ude i træet. Ved at trykke på hver enkelt kan du se hvad det koster at låse dem op. Når du har betalt disse omkostninger vil teknologien blive åbnet og du vil se et grønt tjekmærke som du kan se på billedet ovenfor. Bygninger eller ting som du har åbnet, vil nu være til rådighed i byggemenuen så du kan bygge dem og placere dem i din by.
It will open the tech tree. By swiping the screen you can scroll along to see future eras. You must unlock certain technologies before you can open those further along. By tapping on each tech you can see the cost to unlock it. When you meet these costs that tech will open and then display a green tick as you see in the image above. Whatever building or item it is you opened, will now be available in your build menu to place in your new city.

===[[Kontinent kortet]]===
===[[Campaign Map]]===
Det er her hvor du kan udforske nyt land ved at kæmpe eller forhandle. Du kan også låse op for nabolags turnerings tårnene og varelagre som du vil få brug for når du producerer varer.
This is where you will discover new lands by fighting and negotiating. You will also be able to unlock PvP Towers and good deposits which you will need to produce goods.


Herunder kan du se det første kort, som du vil starte et nyt spil på, som du kan se på billedet er den ene provins rød - det betyder at du ikke har erobret den endnu.  
You can see below the first map you will start a new game on, you can see on this image that the province is in red - this means the province is not yet owned.  
I hver provins er der mindre sektorer, i hver sektor vil du enten skulle forhandle, hvor du betaler varer i stedet for at kæmpe, eller at udkæmpe et slag for at overtage sektoren. Ved at kæmpe, vil du modtage kamppoint, som vil hjælpe dig i PvP turneringen, samt tilføje point til din personlige rangering. Her er der et andet billede; i denne provins er der 3 sektorer. En er grøn, som betyder at du har erobret denne, og de to som stadig mangler at blive erobret er røde.
Within each province are smaller sectors, each sector you will need to either negotiate, which is to pay goods instead of fighting, or fight a battle to win the sector. Fighting will also gain you battle points towards your PvP tournament, and add points to your personal player score. Here is another image; within this province there are 3 sectors. One is green to show owned, and two still need to be conquered and are still red.

Når du har kæmpet/ forhandlet dig igennem alle sektorerne, har du besejret provinsen og du ejer den nu.
Du vil nu få nye muligheder for at spejde nye provinser, du kan dog kun spejde en provins af gangen, imens spejderen er undervejs vil du ikke kunne se andre muligheder før han er fremme ved sin destination.  

Once you have fought/negotiated all sectors you win that province on the map.
You will now see new options to scout new lands, though you can only perform one scout at a time, and while the scout is scouting, you won't be able to see any other scouting options until complete.
Ligesom i forsknings træet, hvor du kommer igennem forskellige tidsaldre, virker kontinent kortet på samme måde. Du starter i Bronzealderen, og i takt med at du bevæger dig frem på kortet kommer du igennem nye tidsaldre. Senere vil du komme til at bruge skibe og fly for at komme til nye landområder!

Hver provins du overtager giver en belønning; nogle vil give dig bonus i vareproduktioner, nogle vil give dig mønter og forsyninger, andre vil give dig udvidelser til din by og nogle vil igen give dig adgang til PvP tårnene som bliver oplåst her via kontinent kortet.  

Nogle tidsaldre har bonuskort tilføjet. Disse kan give dig andre bonuspræmier, såvel som ekstra medaljer og andre ressourcer. Endnu er ikke alle bonuskort frigivet - så der er stadig mere i vente. For at se belønningerne fra kontinent kortet, tryk [[Provins Belønninger|her]]
Just like the tech tree has ages you move through, the continent map works the same way. You will start in Bronze age, and as you open more lands you will move into new ages on the map. Later you will use ships and planes to discover new lands!

===[[Enheder|Hærstyring]] ===
Each province holds a different reward; some will give you goods boosts, some will reward you coins and supplies, expansions to place in your city, and also the PvP towers are unlocked on the continent map.
Enhver militær bygning du opfører i din by kan bruges til at træne enheder, når disse er færdig trænet vil de være tilgængelige i din hærstyring, ligesom enhver uhæftet enhed du vil vinde hen ad vejen.

Layoutet er meget simpelt, nederst vil hele din hær være tilgængelig, uanset om det er hæftede (fra en militærbygning) eller uhæftet.
Some ages also have a bonus map added. These offer you other bonus prizes, as well as things like extra medals and other resources. Not all bonus maps are released as yet - so there is still more to come To see all rewards from the campaign map click [[Province Rewards|here]]

Oven over hele din tilgængelige hær, vil din nuværende valgte hær være vist; når du vil kæmpe imod enten en nabo eller på kontinentkortet, skal du vælge 8 enheder fra din tilgængelige hær ved at trykke på dem og derefter på de orange sværd. Derefter vil de flyttes ind i den valgte hær, det er disse enheder du vil kæmpe med. Du kan ikke vælge mere end 8 enheder, dog kan du godt vælge færre, så vær forsigtig med at gå for hurtigt videre inden du får valgt en hel hær!
===[[Units|Army Management]] ===

Det er også en god ide at sætte en forsvarende hær i din by, ellers kan du risikere at blive plyndret hvis dine naboer naboer angriber dig! For at gøre dette, skal trykke på en enhed i din tilgængelige hær og derefter på den blå hjelm. Din enhed vil nu være fremhævet med en blå kant, og denne enhed indgår nu i din forsvarende hær. Igen, på denne måde kan du vælge op til 8 enheder. Det er disse enheder dine naboer skal igennem hvis de beslutter sig for at angribe din by.  
Any barracks you build in your city can be used to train units, when trained these units will appear within your army management, as well as any other unattached units you might win along the way.
The layout is quite simple; along the bottom is your unit pool where all your units will be, whether they are attached to a barracks or unattached.
Up above is the currently selected army; when you want to fight, either a neighbour or on the continent map, you will select 8 units from the unit pool, by tapping them and then press the orange swords. They will then move up into your selected army, these are the units you will fight with. You cannot use more than 8, although you can use less, so be careful not to enter battle without selecting a full army first!
Next you will want to set a defence for your city, otherwise when your neighbours attack you might get plundered! To do this, tap the unit from the pool below, and then click the blue helmet icon. this will then surround that unit with a blue border, this is now set as your defence. Again, you can set 8 units this way. These are the units that your neighbours will face should they decide to attack you.


Sidst, men ikke mindst, i takt med at du kommer længere og længere i spillet, vil du få samlet en stor hær, med enheder fra flere forskellige aldre. Når du har mange forskellige enheder, kan det tage lang tid at finde lige de enheder du skal bruge, derfor er der et filter i højre side, hvor du kan vælge en specifik alder, og kun enhederne fra denne alder vil blive vist.
Finally, as you advance through the game you will gather a large army from all the different ages. When you have many units it can be time consuming finding the ones you want, so there is a small drop down to the right hand side that you can tap; this will filter units from a specific era.

Herover på billedet kan du se hærstyrings layoutet, dette er dog blevet opdateret og kan afvige en lille smule i forhold til dette billede. Ved at trykke på en enhed vil du få flere muligheder: tilføje enheden til den aktuelle hær, hele enheden med diamanter, sætte enheden i den forsvarende hær, men du vil også få muligheden for at slette enheden ved at trykke på det røde kryds.
Above you can see in the image, the army management layout, this has now been updated as was slightly different to this. By tapping a unit you then have the option, to add to selected army, to heal the unit with diamonds, to set as defence, and also the red x is to delete that unit.


Dette er din markedsplads hvor du kan bytte varer. Som nævnt tidligere kan du erobre sektorer med varebonusser på kontinent kortet. I hver tidsalder er der 5 forskellige varer som du kan bygge varebygninger til at producere. Som udgangspunkt får du kun 2 varebonusser i hver tidsalder. Det kan kun betale sig for dig at bygge de varebygninger hvor du får bonus på produktionen, i de varebygninger hvor du ikke har bonus vil du kun kunne producere 1 pr 4 timer, hvorimod i en varebygning med bonus vil du kunne lave 5 pr 4 timer. Så som du nok kan regne ud, vil dette ikke kunne betale sig for dig. Du kan bruge markedspladsen og handle dig til de varer du ikke selv laver.  
This is your market where you can trade goods. As mentioned earlier you will win goods boosts on your continent map. There are 5 goods every era that you can construct buildings to produce. But you will only get 2 goods boosts each era. Ideally you want to produce the goods you have a boost for. With no boost a goods building will make you 1 good per 4 hours. With a boost your goods building will make 5 goods per 4 hours. So you see producing with no boost is not ideal. You can use trade, to trade for other goods you need.

Når du åbner markedspladsen, vil det se sådanne ud:
When you open trade by tapping it you will be here:

Du kan se alle handler som er lagt op af spillere i dit nabolag, din klan og fra din venneliste i den første fane. Handler som du tager fra dine klanfæller er gratis, men når du handler med dine naboer og dine venner koster det 1 forge point pr handel, spilleren som tager handlen betaler forge pointet .
You can see all trades which have been posted by players who are in your neighbourhood, guild, and friends list. To take a trade from a guild member is free, but to trade with friends or neighbours will cost 1 forge point per trade; the player taking the trade pays the forge point.

I fane nummer to kan du oprette handler, altså det er her du vælger varer fra dit eget lager som du gerne vil have byttet til andre varer. Du skal vælge den vare du vil bytte væk, den vare du har behov for samt antallet af hver, herefter opretter du handlen og venter til der er en, som tager den.
The second tab is create offer, here you can place trades from your goods stocks for others you need. You will select the good to trade, and the good you need, enter the amounts, then post your trade.
I den tredje fane kan du se dine aktuelle tilbud.


Når du åbner dit lager kan du se din varebeholdning. Dette viser dig din aktuelle vare status samt antallet af dine medaljer. Du kan også køre ned og se din varebeholdning i tidligere aldre.
When you open your inventory you can view your goods stocks. This will show you all of your current goods stocks as well as your medals balance. You can scroll down to see goods from the other ages.
I den midterste fane, som hedder 'lager,' vil du kunne se alle dine gaver og belønninger som du har vundet, dette kan inkludere bygninger og dekorationer, hvis du har vundet forge point pakker vil de også ligge her. Du kan placere hvilken som helst ting fra dit lager i din by - hvis du altså har pladsen og de fornødne ressourcer selvfølgeligt!
The middle tab titled 'Inventory' will show you all items you have stored, this might include buildings or decorations you have won, any forge point packages that you win will go in here also. You can place any items from your inventory into your city - provided you have space and the necessary resources of course!


Det er her hvor du har muligheden for at kontrollere spillets animationer, lyd og besked advisering,... Du kan også komme i kontakt med spillets supportere hvis du har spørgsmål eller problemer, de vil med glæde hjælpe dig!
There is the place where you can find a lot of options like manage animations, sound, push notification,... You can also be in touch with the support of the game if you have a question or if you have any problem, they will be happy to help you!

Hvis du vil logge ud af spillet, er det her også et godt sted.
If you want to logout you are here in the good place.

Versionen fra 30. aug. 2018, 14:34

Menu app.png
Tapping on the arrow will allow you to see the whole menu.
Allmenu app.png

Building menu

This is the build menu. In here you will find all items currently available for you to build. You can see there are numerous options along here - houses, supplies, decorations, military buildings and even your expansions to make the city bigger; these are all in here. If you look at the image, you can also see that when the build menu is open, at the left side are two small icons MOVE and SELL.

Reconstruction mobile 4.jpg

Next to expansions is roads, all trails, and roads unlocked are in here. To build your roads, click on the type you would like build, then on your city place this first segment where you would like the road to begin, and press the green tick. Then you can see small arrows beside this piece of road, swipe along the screen where you wish to build the road, when done press the green tick once more, this will then place the road for you.

If you wish to move a building, you need to tap the MOVE icon so it is highlighted, then click the building you wish to move. Once in the spot you are happy with, click the green tick, as shown on the image below.

Mobile place building.jpg

Selling items works in the same way. First, open the build menu, then tap the SELL icon so it is highlighted and press the building you wish to sell. You will then get a small window asking you to confirm the action.

Mobile sell building.jpg

Reconstruction Mode

Reconstruction Mode (Mobile)


It will open the tech tree. By swiping the screen you can scroll along to see future eras. You must unlock certain technologies before you can open those further along. By tapping on each tech you can see the cost to unlock it. When you meet these costs that tech will open and then display a green tick as you see in the image above. Whatever building or item it is you opened, will now be available in your build menu to place in your new city.

Research mobile new.jpg

Campaign Map

This is where you will discover new lands by fighting and negotiating. You will also be able to unlock PvP Towers and good deposits which you will need to produce goods.

Campaign map.jpg

You can see below the first map you will start a new game on, you can see on this image that the province is in red - this means the province is not yet owned. Within each province are smaller sectors, each sector you will need to either negotiate, which is to pay goods instead of fighting, or fight a battle to win the sector. Fighting will also gain you battle points towards your PvP tournament, and add points to your personal player score. Here is another image; within this province there are 3 sectors. One is green to show owned, and two still need to be conquered and are still red.

Campaign sectors.jpg

Once you have fought/negotiated all sectors you win that province on the map. You will now see new options to scout new lands, though you can only perform one scout at a time, and while the scout is scouting, you won't be able to see any other scouting options until complete.

Campaign scouting.jpg

Just like the tech tree has ages you move through, the continent map works the same way. You will start in Bronze age, and as you open more lands you will move into new ages on the map. Later you will use ships and planes to discover new lands!

Each province holds a different reward; some will give you goods boosts, some will reward you coins and supplies, expansions to place in your city, and also the PvP towers are unlocked on the continent map.

Some ages also have a bonus map added. These offer you other bonus prizes, as well as things like extra medals and other resources. Not all bonus maps are released as yet - so there is still more to come To see all rewards from the campaign map click here

Army Management

Any barracks you build in your city can be used to train units, when trained these units will appear within your army management, as well as any other unattached units you might win along the way.

The layout is quite simple; along the bottom is your unit pool where all your units will be, whether they are attached to a barracks or unattached.

Up above is the currently selected army; when you want to fight, either a neighbour or on the continent map, you will select 8 units from the unit pool, by tapping them and then press the orange swords. They will then move up into your selected army, these are the units you will fight with. You cannot use more than 8, although you can use less, so be careful not to enter battle without selecting a full army first!

Next you will want to set a defence for your city, otherwise when your neighbours attack you might get plundered! To do this, tap the unit from the pool below, and then click the blue helmet icon. this will then surround that unit with a blue border, this is now set as your defence. Again, you can set 8 units this way. These are the units that your neighbours will face should they decide to attack you.

Units app.jpg

Finally, as you advance through the game you will gather a large army from all the different ages. When you have many units it can be time consuming finding the ones you want, so there is a small drop down to the right hand side that you can tap; this will filter units from a specific era.

Above you can see in the image, the army management layout, this has now been updated as was slightly different to this. By tapping a unit you then have the option, to add to selected army, to heal the unit with diamonds, to set as defence, and also the red x is to delete that unit.


This is your market where you can trade goods. As mentioned earlier you will win goods boosts on your continent map. There are 5 goods every era that you can construct buildings to produce. But you will only get 2 goods boosts each era. Ideally you want to produce the goods you have a boost for. With no boost a goods building will make you 1 good per 4 hours. With a boost your goods building will make 5 goods per 4 hours. So you see producing with no boost is not ideal. You can use trade, to trade for other goods you need.

When you open trade by tapping it you will be here:

Market app.jpg

You can see all trades which have been posted by players who are in your neighbourhood, guild, and friends list. To take a trade from a guild member is free, but to trade with friends or neighbours will cost 1 forge point per trade; the player taking the trade pays the forge point.

Offer app.jpg

The second tab is create offer, here you can place trades from your goods stocks for others you need. You will select the good to trade, and the good you need, enter the amounts, then post your trade.


When you open your inventory you can view your goods stocks. This will show you all of your current goods stocks as well as your medals balance. You can scroll down to see goods from the other ages.

Mobile inventory 1.jpg

The middle tab titled 'Inventory' will show you all items you have stored, this might include buildings or decorations you have won, any forge point packages that you win will go in here also. You can place any items from your inventory into your city - provided you have space and the necessary resources of course!

Mobile inventory.jpg


Mobile settings 1.jpg

There is the place where you can find a lot of options like manage animations, sound, push notification,... You can also be in touch with the support of the game if you have a question or if you have any problem, they will be happy to help you!

Mobile settings.jpg

If you want to logout you are here in the good place.