Halloweenbegivenheden 2024: Forskelle mellem versioner

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===Halloween-event Questline===   
Kom nærmere, Forgers! Lysene er tændt, og de døde rejser sig - Halloween-eventen er tilbage! Forbered dig på at møde dine værste frygt under det store rædsels-telt, mens vores knivkastende cirkus gør sin frygtelige entré!   
Kom nærmere, Forgers! Lysene er tændt, og de døde rejser sig - Halloween-begivenheden er tilbage! Forbered dig på at møde dine værste frygt under det store rædsels-telt, mens vores knivkastende cirkus gør sin frygtelige entré!   


Denne Halloweens questline vil give dig 35 hurtige quests og derefter 21 ekstra quests, hvor en ny dukker op hver dag.   
Denne Halloweens opgaverække vil give dig 35 straksopgaver og derefter 21 ekstra daglige opgaver.   


Versionen fra 25. okt. 2024, 14:50

HALLOWEEN A Loading Screen 1.png

Velkommen til vores Horrors forlystelsespark! Den velkendte lykkehjul-funktionalitet er tilbage, men denne gang har vi givet den et nyt twist (ordspil helt klart tilsigtet)! Lad os præsentere: Ulykkehjulet!

Øv dig i at kaste knive mod det snurrende hjul for at "ramme" præmierne og gøre dem til dine! Men vær på vagt: dine naboer er lige der sammen med dig og sigter efter de samme gevinster. Læs videre i denne annoncering forat få tips om, hvordan du overlever den hårde konkurrence, undgår den flyvende knivstorm og triumferer i al din glorværdige ære!


Til årets Halloween-begivenhede vil vi kortvarigt forvandle din by til den mest uhyggelige forlystelsespark nogensinde. For at sikre, at dit hjerte banker lige så meget af skræk som af spænding (eller er det omvendt?), har vi allieret os med en mystisk Ringmaster, der vil tilbyde dig en farlig udfordring. For at være ærlig er vi ikke sikre på, om det er helt sikkert. Så saml dit mod og dine knivkast-færdigheder (hvad?) for at stå imod i konkurrencen om årets præmier!


Hvordan fungerer Halloween-begivenheden?

For at dreje Ulykkens Hjul skal du først tjene Billetter HAL24-ticket.png, som kan optjenes ved at fuldføre skræmmende Halloween-opgaver samt de Daglige Opgaver og Udfordringer. Som tidligere kan du også finde dem i almindelige hændelser omkring din by samt som en daglig login-bonus. Du kan også bruge diamanter, hvis du slet ikke kan vente på næste drej!

Oversigt over begivenheds-vinduet


I begivenheds-vinduet finder du flere hovedelementer du skal tage med i dine overvejelser:

1. Billetter Antallet af billetter HAL24-ticket.png du har lige nu.
2. Daglige Opgaver Viser de daglige opgaver. Disse tilbyder ekstra muligheder for at få billetter og energidrikke.
3. Liga Viser hvilken liga, du er i lige nu.
4. Kast antal Vælg at kaste 1, 3 eller endda 5 knive på én gang for chancen for at vinde flere præmier i ét spin! Vær strategisk, da færre præmier tilbage på hjulet øger dine chancer for at knive Hal24-icon.png lander på den samme præmie!
5. Spring animation over Klik på boksen Spring animation over, hvis du vil gå direkte til præmien, du har vundet!
6. Ulykkens Hjul Her ser du præmierne, du kan dreje om. Vær opmærksom: Ulykkens Hjul deles med hele dit nabolag! Tid dine kast omhyggeligt, da dine naboer kan tage præmier fra det samme hjul.
7. Kast og Opdater Her kan du kaste en kniv eller ændre hjulet til et nyt for hele dit nabolag.
8. Vis tutorial igen Her kan du genafspille tutorialen så ofte, som du vil.
9. Hovedpræmier Viser det fremskridt, der kræves for at nå næste belønning.
10. Energi-belønninger Når din bjælke er fuld, kan du hente eksklusive energidrik Hal24-potions.png belønninger, der giver store bonusser eller endda sjældne præmier.



Kom nærmere, Forgers! Lysene er tændt, og de døde rejser sig - Halloween-begivenheden er tilbage! Forbered dig på at møde dine værste frygt under det store rædsels-telt, mens vores knivkastende cirkus gør sin frygtelige entré!


Denne Halloweens opgaverække vil give dig 35 straksopgaver og derefter 21 ekstra daglige opgaver.


Præmierne, der vises i hjulet, er tilgængelige for alle spillere i dit nabolag. Præmierne er tilfældige, men vær ikke bekymret – hvert hjul har noget specielt, der kan vindes.

Der er forskellige præmier i Ulykkens Hjul. Hver præmie vises på tavlen med en farvet kant. Grønne kanter angiver almindelige præmier og er opdelt i fire sektioner, da hver kan vindes fire gange. Sjældnere præmier har en sølvkant – disse kan vindes to gange. De sjældneste af alle er guldkanterne – hver præmie kan kun vindes én gang på denne tavle!

HAL24-prizes chance.png

Et spin koster én billet og resulterer i én præmie. Du har mulighed for at vælge at kaste 1, 3 eller endda 5 knive på én gang for chancen for at vinde flere præmier i ét spin! Alternativt kan du "opdatere og spinne" for at få et helt nyt sæt præmier til dit nabolag. Uanset hvad du vælger, vil du altid vinde en præmie!
Nogle præmier indeholder også energitokens! Saml disse for at få adgang til bonuspræmie-kister (mere om dette nedenfor!)
Bemærk Nogle præmier kan vindes flere gange – jo sjældnere præmien er, jo færre kopier er der på tavlen!

Event Mechanics


Upgraded Tutorial

Our updated Tutorial gives all the hints you'll need to progress through the event! Just click or tap the screen when you've read the tip to move on to the next one.

Hal24 tut.png

If you miss something or need a reminder, click the Replay Tutorial button to play the hints again!

The Devilish Dagger Toss!

It gets scary, unleash the the Devilish Dagger Toss!
As the mysterious Ringmaster beckons you to step up to his sinister Wheel of Misfortune, you wonder: do you have the steady hand and nerve to win the most coveted treasures? Fear not, for we sneaked in some tips and tricks to help you survive this eerie challenge Hal24-icon.png!

It's important to remember that everyone in your neighbourhood is going to the same amusement park - so your wheel is shared with your neighbors! You will all have two basic options:

Hal24 thow.png This will throw a knife onto the current board you see in front of you!
Hal24 refresh throw.png This will change the wheel to a new one for your entire neighborhood, and your knife throws will land on the new board with the updated prizes!

Don't forget - just as you can refresh your neighbor's wheel, they can also refresh yours! So don't wait if there is a prize on the board you want, it may not stay there long!

Another useful thing to know is that you have the option of throwing multiple knives at the same time.

Hal24 throw amount.png

So you do not have to throw just one knife at a time! Choose to throw 1, 3, or even 5 knives at once for the chance to claim multiple rewards in one spin! Be strategic, as fewer rewards left on the wheel increases your chances of knives landing on the same prize! If there are not enough prizes left on the Wheel when you throw multiple knives, the Wheel will automatically refresh and all your knives will land on the new board.

Now you are all set to start the creepy Wheel of Misfortune!


Knife-Throwing Mechanics

Before you spin the wheel, we give you the following 3 points to keep in mind:

Throw to Win To begin, click on the event banner to enter the amusement park. In front of you will be the Wheel of Misfortune, ready to offer you a chance to practice your throwing skills. To throw Knives, you need to use Halloween Tickets Hal24 ticket.png. Just like with the Pirate Wheel from the previous editions of the Summer Event, you'll choose to either throw or refresh and throw for a fresh set of prizes!
Neighborhood Rivalry The Wheel of Misfortune is shared with your entire neighborhood! Time your throws carefully, as your neighbors can claim prizes from the same wheel. If all prizes are claimed, the wheel will automatically reset with a new set of spooky rewards. Don’t let them steal your prize!
Dagger and Energy To earn enough Halloween Tickets Hal24 ticket.png to bombard the Wheel of Misfortune with Knives and snatch all the prizes you can get, complete Daily tasks, Event quests, and open random incidents in your city. In addition, you can collect brand-new Energy Tokens from some prize instances on the Wheel (Witch's Brew HAL24-Witch's Brew.png, Moonlight Fuel HAL24-Midnight Fuel.png, and Ghostly Gulp HAL24-Ghostly Gulp.png) to trade for exclusive rewards. Both the Knife Throws and the Energy Tokens provide Grand Prize progress points that bring you closer to the biggest rewards!

Energy Rewards

As we adressed some prizes also have Energy tokens that you can collect. By collecting these Energy tokens you will gain access to the bonus prize chests.



The first chest is free - once you open it you will also have the option to open all the rest for a reduced cost.

Collect energy tokens from the wheel. Each token fills up a bar with a specific color - purple, blue and green.
There are 3 types of tokens needed to fill bars - purple, blue and green. Once your bar is full, claim exclusive reward chests!

Three types of Energy
HAL24-Witch's Brew.png
Witch's Brew
HAL24-Midnight Fuel.png
Midnight Fuel
HAL24-Ghostly Gulp.png
Ghostly Gulp

Can’t collect enough energy? You can win more from the Daily Tasks, and even swap your tokens with the Rebalance button to boost your progress and earn your rewards faster - but be aware of the Trade Ratio as the more you rebalance, the higher the ratio cost! This increases to a maximum of 3:1 and will reset each day.

Hal24-energy reward.png

Note: be mindful when choosing the moment to rebalance! Notice whether the current Trade Ration is beneficial for your strategy, as with the rebalancing up to 3 Energy Tokens will be taken from the Tokens you have the most of. However, the bars do NOT have to be full for it to happen. If you want to play it safe, wait until you've collected a surplus of Energy Tokens or try to maximize your rewards by strategically timing the trading to the refresh of the Trade Ratio that happens at midnight.


Daily Tasks

So you'll need enough tickets and energy tokens to win those amazingly scary prizes! An additional way to get these coveted tickets and energy tokens are the Daily Tasks, so don't neglect these!

Hal24 daily tasks.png


From spooky boosters to cursed trinkets, each knife that hits the wheel earns you terrifyingly good prizes! Every spin also adds to your Grand Prize Progress, helping you get closer to this year's ultimate haunted reward.

In addition to some older event items, we have a brand new reward for you: The Eerie Thrill Coaster - an upgradable building with 8 levels with a terrifying silver and golden upgrade!


Eerie Thrill Coaster

The Gruesome Grand Prize this year is the Eerie Thrill Coaster! This horribly good building can be upgraded in the Eerie Terror Coaster and to make it even more creepy in the Eerie Nightmare Coaster!

Eerie Thrill Coaster (7x4)
Hal24-upgrade1.png A Level 1 Eerie Thrill Coaster can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using Eerie Thrill Coaster Upgrade Kit.
W SS MultiAge HAL24A1-e01803b0c.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 1
W SS MultiAge HAL24A2-cdbc7b448.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 2
W SS MultiAge HAL24A3-f8c4e5cf2.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 3
W SS MultiAge HAL24A4-63bec6a67.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 4
W SS MultiAge HAL24A5-8031c599c.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 5
W SS MultiAge HAL24A6-bc475db26.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 6
W SS MultiAge HAL24A7-510262052.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 7
W SS MultiAge HAL24A8-fc46f347f.png
Eerie Thrill Coaster - Lv. 8

Eerie Terror Coaster & Eerie Nightmare Coaster

Eerie Terror Coaster (7x4) Hal24-upgrade2.png Eerie Nightmare Coaster (7x4) Hal24-upgrade3.png
W SS MultiAge HAL24A9-6b14607bf.png
W SS MultiAge HAL24A10-f23d675f9.png

More rewards

But this is not all! In fact, we have much more eerie buildings for you to look forward to.


Available from:

  • The Grand Prize Lane
  • The Silver Pass
  • The Gold Pass

Nightshade Cemetery

Nightshade Cemetery (5x2)
W SS MultiAge HAL24B1-d992381bc.png

Yaga's Roost

Yaga's Roost (5x3)
W SS MultiAge HAL24C1-a5872445c.png


Other new reward buildings

Joker’s Spin

And the treats keep coming! Three more new bloodcurdling buildings have been added to give your town some extra terror: the Joker’s Sinister Spin, the Joker’s Haunted Spinand the Joker’s Malevolent Spin.

Available from:

  • The Grand Prize Lane
  • The Silver Pass
  • The Gold Pass
  • The League rewards

Joker’s Sinister Spin (2x5)
Joker’s Haunted Spin (2x5)
Joker’s Malevolent Spin (2x5)
W SS MultiAge HAL24F1-97263939d.png
W SS MultiAge HAL24F2-46c5f8d74.png
W SS MultiAge HAL24F3-458c16077.png

Abandoned Asylum Upgrade

Remember the Abandoned Asylum? The Eerie Abandoned Asylum Silver Upgrade Kit Hal24-upgrade4.png will turn the Abandoned Asylum into an Eerie Abandoned Asylum and the Phantom Abandoned Asylum Golden Upgrade Kit Hal24-upgrade5.png upgrades the Eerie Abandoned Asylum into the Phantom Abandoned Asylum.

Available from:

  • The Grand Prize Lane
  • The Silver Pass
  • The Gold Pass
  • The League rewards

Abandoned Asylum (5x5)
Eerie Abandoned Asylum (5x5)
Phantom Abandoned Asylum (5x5)
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonus19i-bb687197d.png
W SS MultiAge HAL19A10-7d0eddfae.png
W SS MultiAge HAL19A11-86c78a1c0.png

With the scary Siver and Golden upgrade, you will have some witchy beauties in your town!


Witch’s Brew Ride

This exclusive, witchy building will give your city the extra magic to increase its powers and strength! You just don't want to miss out on this Terriblye powerful off-road building.

Available from:

  • Gold League

Witch’s Brew Ride (4x5)
W SS MultiAge HAL24D1-003e5fca2.png

Enchanted Elixirs Emporium

Can you ravage the flames and tame the dragons? Release the dragons and open chests to get your hands on this fearful building!

Available from:

  • The Chest Rewards

Enchanted Elixirs Emporium (4x4)
W SS MultiAge HAL24E1-309e5fa49.png

Beware! For it is still not enough and there is more to come.
In addition to all these new terrifying buildings, there is also plenty to earn from previous events, goods and other items you are keen on! So be sure to spin the Wheel of Misfortune, do the Daily tasks and keep opening chests. That way you increase your chances of having these eerie buildings in your city!


Halloween Event Avatars

Last but not least, a collection of avatars for you to show off.

Dagger Dan
(Grand Prizes)
Gravekeeper Gus
(Silver Pass)
Mystic Malik
(Silver Pass)
Crone Kira
(Golden Pass)
Lucia Lash
(Golden Pass)
Trickster Tyrion
(League reward)