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Hvad er handel ?

Du får brug for alle slags varer for at komme videre i Forge of Empires . Hvis du åbner op for de rigtige varebygninger, er det muligt selv at producere disse, det er dog ikke særlig effektiv at gøre det, da det kræver plads i din by, tid , og at der er åbnet op for pågældende varelager på kontinentkortet . Markedspladsen giver dig mulighed for at handle med varer du har ,til varer du har brug for.

Hvem kan du handle med ?

Du kan handle til en dårlig byttekurs med en af systemets Købmænd , eller til en meget bedre bytte kurs med dine medspillere. Hvis du tilslutter dig en klan, vil du også kunne finde favorable handler der.

Oprette et tilbud på markedspladsen

Det er nemt at oprette et tilbud. Klik på Markedsplads ikonet, gå til fanen " Opret tilbud ". Indtast den mængde varer du leder efter, og hvad du er villig til at tilbyde. Klik "Opret tilbud". Man kan aldrig vide hvornår eller om ens tilbud vil blive accepteret. For at øge chancerne for at de bliver taget, er det en god ide at lave dem fair.

Create offer.png

Canceling an offer

If you for some reason want to cancel an offer you have placed on the market, you are able to do so in the “Your current offer” tab. Simply press the button at the right end of the offer you want to cancel, and choose to abort it.

Cancel trade.jpg

Searching for offers

The market is full of offers which you can browse in the “Trading” tab. They are sorted based on rates, where the most favorable rates are displayed first. If you do not want to scroll through all the pages, there are different types of filters at the top – you can search for the good you desire or are offering, and further limit the offers using the two check boxes by hiding all the offers from non-players, filter for offers from your fellow guild members and/or display only those offers that you are eligible for.

Accepting an offer

When you find an offer that fits what you are looking for, you can accept it by pressing the button to the right of the offer. If you are in the same guild as the other player, the button will have a hammer and a shield, if not there will only be a hammer. If the button is orange, you have all the necessary goods to make the trade. If however it is greyed out then something is missing. When you press the button, a window will pop up so you can review the terms of the trade before accepting.

Accepting a trade from a fellow player who is not in your guild, you will have to pay a transaction fee of 1 Forge point. But do not hesitate if it is a good offer – the Forge Point is easily worth it if you need the goods to progress in the game. However, an exchange with a cutthroat non-player, despite its drawbacks, has the advantage that it does not cost you any Forge Points.

Can’t find what you are looking for?

If you cannot find what you need at the market, it is a good idea to ask other players for help - they might have the goods you need. Use the chat, the forum, or ask around in your guild!