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Efterårsmølle - Level 1

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18a.png

- Mønter fordobles når den motiveres
- Kan plyndres når den ikke er motiveret
- Opgraderingssæt nødvendigt for at opgradere til næste tidsalder
- Renoveringssæt skal bruges for at opgradere bygning

- Kun produktion af mønter og forsyninger forøges af glædes-/Storslåede Bygninger
- Efterårsmøllesættet Upgrade kit mill of fall.png nødvendig for at opgradere til Efterårsmølle - Level 2

Type: Beboelsesbygning
Størrelse: Icon size.png 3x3 (vej påkrævet)
Introduceret i: Efterårsbegivenheden 2018
Tidsalder Icon population.png
Icon coins.png
pr. dag
Ranking Points.png
Bronzealder 0 400 45
Jernalder 13 900 72
Tidlig Middelalder 20 1,400 180
Højmiddelalder 28 2,000 360
Senmiddelalder 37 2,700 540
Kolonitiden 47 4,100 900
Industritiden 57 5,100 1,800
Den Progressive Æra 68 6,100 2,700
Moderne Æra 80 7,600 4,500
Den Postmoderne Tidsalder 92 9,600 7,200
Nutiden 105 12,500 10,800
Morgendagen 118 14,500 18,000
Fremtiden 132 16,600 28,800
Arktisk Fremtid 146 18,900 43,200
Den Oceaniske Fremtid 161 21,300 54,000
Virtuel Fremtid 176 23,800 72,000

Fall apple.png

Efterårsmølle - Level 2

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18a.png

- Mønter fordobles når den motiveres
- Kan plyndres når den ikke er motiveret
- Opgraderingssæt nødvendigt for at opgradere til næste tidsalder
- Renoveringssæt skal bruges for at opgradere bygning

- Kun produktion af mønter og forsyninger forøges af glædes-/Storslåede Bygninger
- Efterårsmøllesættet Upgrade kit mill of fall.png nødvendig for at opgradere til Efterårsmølle - Level 3

Type: Beboelsesbygning
Størrelse: Icon size.png 3x3 (vej påkrævet)
Introduceret i: Efterårsbegivenheden 2018
Tidsalder Icon population.png
Icon coins.png
pr. dag
Ranking Points.png
Bronzealder 0 400 45
Jernalder 13 900 72
Tidlig Middelalder 20 1,400 180
Højmiddelalder 28 2,000 360
Senmiddelalder 37 2,700 540
Kolonitiden 47 4,100 900
Industritiden 57 5,100 1,800
Den Progressive Æra 68 6,100 2,700
Moderne Æra 80 7,600 4,500
Den Postmoderne Tidsalder 92 9,600 7,200
Nutiden 105 12,500 10,800
Morgendagen 118 14,500 18,000
Fremtiden 132 16,600 28,800
Arktisk Fremtid 146 18,900 43,200
Den Oceaniske Fremtid 161 21,300 54,000
Virtuel Fremtid 176 23,800 72,000

Fall apple.png
R SS MultiAge FallBonus18b.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output
- The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to Mill of Fall - Lv. 3

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png
Icon coins.png
per day
Icon supplies.png
(if motivated)
Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 9 400 320 45
Iron Age 20 900 560 72
Early Middle Ages 30 1,500 620 180
High Middle Ages 42 2,100 690 360
Late Middle Ages 55 2,800 770 540
Colonial Age 70 4,300 900 900
Industrial Age 85 5,400 1,020 1,800
Progressive Era 102 6,500 1,120 2,700
Modern Era 119 8,100 1,200 4,500
Postmodern Era 138 10,200 1,250 7,200
Contemporary Era 157 13,300 1,450 10,800
Tomorrow 177 15,400 1,760 18,000
The Future 198 17,600 2,110 28,800
Arctic Future 219 20,000 2,460 43,200
Oceanic Future 242 22,600 2,840 54,000
Virtual Future 265 25,300 3,390 72,000

Fall apple.png

Mill of Fall - Lv. 3

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18c.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output
- The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to Mill of Fall - Lv. 4

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png
Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 15 400 340 4 45
Iron Age 33 1,000 590 5 72
Early Middle Ages 50 1,600 660 6 180
High Middle Ages 70 2,300 730 7 360
Late Middle Ages 92 3,000 820 8 540
Colonial Age 116 4,600 960 10 900
Industrial Age 142 5,700 1,080 13 1,800
Progressive Era 170 6,900 1,190 18 2,700
Modern Era 199 8,600 1,270 26 4,500
Postmodern Era 230 10,800 1,330 36 7,200
Contemporary Era 262 14,100 1,540 52 10,800
Tomorrow 295 16,300 1,870 70 18,000
The Future 330 18,700 2,240 85 28,800
Arctic Future 366 21,200 2,610 103 43,200
Oceanic Future 403 23,900 3,010 119 54,000
Virtual Future 441 26,800 3,600 144 72,000

Fall apple.png

Mill of Fall - Lv. 4

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18d.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output
- The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to Mill of Fall - Lv. 5

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Small goods.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 24 400 360 5 3 45
Iron Age 52 1,000 630 6 3 72
Early Middle Ages 80 1,700 700 8 3 180
High Middle Ages 113 2,400 780 9 3 360
Late Middle Ages 148 3,200 870 10 3 540
Colonial Age 186 4,800 1,020 12 3 900
Industrial Age 228 6,000 1,150 17 3 1,800
Progressive Era 272 7,300 1,260 23 3 2,700
Modern Era 319 9,100 1,350 33 3 4,500
Postmodern Era 367 11,400 1,400 45 3 7,200
Contemporary Era 419 14,800 1,630 65 3 10,800
Tomorrow 472 17,200 1,980 87 3 18,000
The Future 527 19,700 2,370 107 3 28,800
Arctic Future 585 22,400 2,760 129 3 43,200
Oceanic Future 644 25,200 3,190 148 3 54,000
Virtual Future 706 28,300 3,810 180 3 72,000

Fall apple.png

Mill of Fall - Lv. 5

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18e.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output
- The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to Mill of Fall - Lv. 6

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Small goods.png Small fp.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 30 500 390 6 3 1 45
Iron Age 65 1,100 660 7 3 1 72
Early Middle Ages 100 1,800 730 9 3 1 180
High Middle Ages 141 2,500 820 10 3 1 360
Late Middle Ages 185 3,300 910 12 3 1 540
Colonial Age 233 5,100 1,070 14 3 1 900
Industrial Age 285 6,300 1,210 19 3 1 1,800
Progressive Era 340 7,700 1,330 27 3 1 2,700
Modern Era 398 9,500 1,420 38 3 1 4,500
Postmodern Era 459 12,000 1,480 53 3 1 7,200
Contemporary Era 523 15,600 1,720 75 3 1 10,800
Tomorrow 590 18,100 2,090 101 3 1 18,000
The Future 659 20,700 2,510 124 3 1 28,800
Arctic Future 731 23,600 2,920 150 3 1 43,200
Oceanic Future 806 26,600 3,370 172 3 1 54,000
Virtual Future 882 29,800 4,020 209 3 1 72,000

Fall apple.png

Mill of Fall - Lv. 6

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18f.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output
- The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to 1 of 3 different Mills

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Small goods.png Small fp.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 36 500 410 6 5 1 45
Iron Age 78 1,100 700 8 5 1 72
Early Middle Ages 120 1,900 770 10 5 1 180
High Middle Ages 169 2,700 860 11 5 1 360
Late Middle Ages 221 3,500 960 13 5 1 540
Colonial Age 279 5,300 1,130 16 5 1 900
Industrial Age 342 6,600 1,270 21 5 1 1,800
Progressive Era 408 8,100 1,400 30 5 1 2,700
Modern Era 478 10,000 1,500 42 5 1 4,500
Postmodern Era 551 12,600 1,560 59 5 1 7,200
Contemporary Era 628 16,400 1,810 84 5 1 10,800
Tomorrow 707 19,000 2,200 113 5 1 18,000
The Future 791 21,800 2,640 138 5 1 28,800
Arctic Future 878 24,700 3,070 168 5 1 43,200
Oceanic Future 967 27,900 3,540 193 5 1 54,000
Virtual Future 1,058 31,300 4,230 234 5 1 72,000

Fall apple.png

Upgrading the Mill of Fall to Lv. 7

If you upgrade Mill of Fall from Lv. 6 to Lv. 7 you will need to choose between 3 different options. Make a wise choice, because you can't revert your choice and you can only upgrade your Mill of Fall to one of these.

Fall apple.png

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18f.png
Mill of Fall - Lv. 6
The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to 1 of 3 other Mill of Fall
Summer18 upgradeship arrowsx.png
Aqueous Mill of Fall
Aqueous Mill of Fall
Sunflower Mill of Fall
Sunflower Mill of Fall
Colorful Mill of Fall
Colorful Mill of Fall
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Icon coins.png
Icon coins.png
Icon coins.png
If motivated
Icon medal.png
Icon medal.png
Icon medal.png
Small goods.png
Small goods.png
Small goods.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png

Fall apple.png

Aqueous Mill of Fall

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18gaqueous.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Small goods.png Small fp.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 43 500 610 8 10 1 45
Iron Age 91 1,200 1,050 10 10 1 72
Early Middle Ages 140 2,000 1,160 12 10 1 180
High Middle Ages 197 2,800 1,290 14 10 1 360
Late Middle Ages 258 3,700 1,440 16 10 1 540
Colonial Age 326 5,600 1,700 19 10 1 900
Industrial Age 398 7,000 1,910 26 10 1 1,800
Progressive Era 476 8,400 2,100 36 10 1 2,700
Modern Era 558 10,500 2,250 52 10 1 4,500
Postmodern Era 643 13,200 2,340 72 10 1 7,200
Contemporary Era 732 17,200 2,720 103 10 1 10,800
Tomorrow 825 19,900 3,300 139 10 1 18,000
The Future 923 22,800 3,960 170 10 1 28,800
Arctic Future 1,024 25,900 4,610 206 10 1 43,200
Oceanic Future 1,128 29,200 5,320 237 10 1 54,000
Virtual Future 1,235 32,300 6,350 288 10 1 72,000

Fall apple.png

Sunflower Mill of Fall

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18gsunflower.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Small goods.png Small fp.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 43 500 450 20 7 2 45
Iron Age 91 1,200 770 26 7 2 72
Early Middle Ages 140 2,000 850 32 7 2 180
High Middle Ages 197 2,800 950 37 7 2 360
Late Middle Ages 258 3,700 1,060 43 7 2 540
Colonial Age 326 5,600 1,240 51 7 2 900
Industrial Age 398 7,000 1,400 71 7 2 1,800
Progressive Era 476 8,400 1,540 99 7 2 2,700
Modern Era 558 10,500 1,650 142 7 2 4,500
Postmodern Era 643 13,200 1,720 198 7 2 7,200
Contemporary Era 732 17,200 1,990 283 7 2 10,800
Tomorrow 825 19,900 2,420 382 7 2 18,000
The Future 923 22,800 2,900 467 7 2 28,800
Arctic Future 1,024 25,900 3,380 566 7 2 43,200
Oceanic Future 1,128 29,200 3,900 651 7 2 54,000
Virtual Future 1,235 32,700 4,660 792 7 2 72,000

Fall apple.png

Colorful Mill of Fall

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18gcolorful.png

- Coins are doubled when motivated
- Can be plundered when not motivated
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era
- Happiness/Great Building boosts influence coin output

Type: Residential Building
Size: Icon size.png 3x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018
Age Icon population.png Icon coins.png Icon supplies.png Icon medal.png Small goods.png Small fp.png Ranking Points.png
per day (if motivated)
Bronze Age 43 600 450 8 5 3 45
Iron Age 91 1,500 770 10 5 3 72
Early Middle Ages 140 2,500 850 12 5 3 180
High Middle Ages 197 3,500 950 14 5 3 360
Late Middle Ages 258 4,700 1,060 16 5 3 540
Colonial Age 326 7,100 1,240 19 5 3 900
Industrial Age 398 8,900 1,400 26 5 3 1,800
Progressive Era 476 10,700 1,540 36 5 3 2,700
Modern Era 558 13,400 1,650 52 5 3 4,500
Postmodern Era 643 16,800 1,720 72 5 3 7,200
Contemporary Era 732 21,900 1,990 103 5 3 10,800
Tomorrow 825 25,300 2,420 139 5 3 18,000
The Future 923 29,000 2,900 170 5 3 28,800
Arctic Future 1,024 33,000 3,380 206 5 3 43,200
Oceanic Future 1,128 37,200 3,900 237 5 3 54,000
Virtual Future 1,235 41,7000 4,660 288 5 3 72,000

Fall apple.png