Allehelgen - Halloween 2019

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Udforsk det støvede bibliotek for at vinde priser, reagensglas og bøger
Døds Druide

Halloween Opgavelinie

Til dette års begivenhed, har en døds druide brug for din hjælp til at mindes ældgamle historier. Lyt godt efter mens hun fortryller dig med dystre fortællinger, som tager dig gennem dette års opgavelinie. Med hjælp fra den gamle bibliotikar vil hun tilbyde dig 52 opgaver i alt.


Du vil modtage 30 straks opgaver og dér efter 22 opgaver, 1 ny for hver dag. Dog opgaver mange, vær bange!

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Til dette års Halloween sæson, har vi ændret selve opgavelinien fra de sidste år, til en stor kæmpe begivenhed. Et gammel dystert bibliotek skal opdages, så denne gang skal du bytte godter til specielle værktøjer for at fjerne de tykke spindelvæv der blokere din vej til sjældne skatte.


Når du har åbnet begivenhedsvinduet, vil du se et støvet bibliotek, fyldt med bogreoler og spindelvæv. På din vej skal du fjerne spindelvæv med de redskaber du har til rådighed i venstre side af begivenhedsvinduet: En tryllestav, en kost og en kedel.


Brug tryllestaven til et fjerne et enkelt felt spindelvæv af gangen. Kosten kan bruges på et tomt felt, og rengøre en hel kolonne, med mindre der er en bogreol i vejen. Kedlen fjerner alle omkringliggende felter, men lige som kosten, kan den kun fjerne indtil bogreoler, så vælg dine felter grundigt!

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Ballade eller guf er dog ikke den eneste måde at opnå slik på til Halloween! Færdiggør opgaver og din gevinst vil være slik som du kan sælge i heksens butik, så du kan få flere redskaber til hjælp for at finde skjulte gevinster.
Brug dem fornuftigt, da hvert enkelte redskab har et begrænset område de når, så du kan nå hele vejen rundt på biblioteket, hvor du vil finde græskar som indeholder forskellige slags gevinster, samt de eftertragtede reagensglas.


Du vil også kunne finde slik i de normale hændelser, rundt omkring din by hvis du er heldig.

Få Flere Redskaber

You can find more tools in the library itself, but there is also a way to exchange your candies for more tools. Press the Link=-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your candies or buy bundles that give you a better deal!



For the first time in an event, you will now collect multiple short questlines (books) as rewards within the tile mini-game (these are in addition to the conventional questline), and at the end of each questline, a special reward should be granted to you. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.

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These Storybooks can be found while advancing through the lost library, and whenever you collect one of them, it will be available to activate in your library, which can be accessed in the main event window. You can activate simultaneously as many questlines you want, as long as they're not the same! When you finish one, a check-mark is shown next to that book. You can find and collect more than one of each book, and their chance of appearance may vary depending on their rareness (there are regular, silver and golden books). Library.png


Many different rewards await you on your way through the library, but they are hidden behind cobwebs. To see them, you will need to dust them away. If they're still covered, you won't be able to see if a cobweb hides rewards.

As you uncover tiles, you will be in with a chance to unveil a Pumpkin, more tools (Wands, Broomsticks and Cauldrons) to aid your progress, Avatars, Potion Vials, or Books. Hover your mouse over Pumpkins to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Make sure you don't advance deeper into the library without uncovering the rewards you want. Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Halloween potion.png Potion Vials are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Potion Vials, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
Tools.png Tools can also be found among the cobwebs. You can find all the tools of the event!
Reward icon halloween pumpkin 9.png Pumpkins come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the pumpkin or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
Reward icon halloween avatar frame.png Avatars are available from previous Halloween Events and can also be uncovered on your journey.
Allage book gold 1.png Books can also be revealed and collected, providing you with mini quests to complete. Solve one of every book's questline to receive the Librarian Reward.

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Halloween Begivenheds Gevinster

Forladt Psykiatrisk Hospital

This Halloween, you can win and upgrade the Abandoned Asylum. The Abandoned Asylum is an upgradable building with 9 levels to be unlocked. At level 9, this Residential building produces Coins, and gives population, as well as giving Goods and Forge Points and an Attack Bonus.

Upgrade kit abandoned asylum.png To upgrade the Abandoned Asylum, you have to use the Abandoned Asylum Upgrade Kit. These Kits can be obtained in the Halloween quest line and as one of the Grand Prizes on offer.

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 1

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 2

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 3

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 4

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 5

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 6

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 7

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 8

Abandoned Asylum - Lv. 9

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Halloween Begivenheds Billeder

There are two new avatars which can be obtained during the Halloween Event questline.

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Look out Forgers! In this event, event avatars of the past can sometimes be uncovered in the Library!


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That's not all! If you didn’t have a chance to participate in our previous events, now you have an opportunity to claim some of those awesome past event items: the Haunted Tower, Dark Doorway, Mad Scientist's Lab and the Graveyard: HAL-ExRewards.png

Happy Haunting!

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