Naturbegivenheden 2021

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'Sommeren er tiden for eventyr, og hvad er et bedre eventyr end en naturpark! Tag på vandretur over sletter og gennem skove. Se skønheden i dyr, der trives i deres naturlige habitat. Mens rejsen vil være givende i for jeres sanser, kan opmærksomme eventyrere opdage et mønster i de efterladte potespor. Følg disse og I vil komme til områder som er uspoleret af mennesker. For enhver, der er villig til at tage denne rejse, kan der være nogle ekstra belønninger i vente!'

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Hvordan kan jeg deltage i Naturbegivenheden?


For at starte begivenheden skal I klikke på begivenhedsbjælken, og I vil se Naturbegivenhedsvinduet!

Det er her, I begynder jeres eventyr, og I vil bruge entrebilletter til at begynde at spille niveauet. Skærmen viser også jeres fremskridt mod hovedpræmien samt den hvilken daglige særpræmie som er til rådighed for den dag. Ligesom i arkæologibegivenheden, vil Iogså være i stand til at udkskifte denne, og dette kan gøres i begivenhedsvinduet, før I overhovedet begynder på et niveau!


Event Currencies


Der er to begivenhedsvalutaer i Naturbegivenheden. Mønter og Entrebilletter.

I starter med 4 entrebilletter, og I kan vinde flere ved at løse opgaver og finde hændelser rundt omkring i jeres by. Derudover genopfyldes de også over tid (svarer til energidrikke i fodboldbegivenheden).

Selvfølgelig, kan I hvis I vil have flere, altid købe flere ved hjælp af diamanter ved at klikke på Plus-knappen.


I starten af begivenheden har I 200 mønter, men I kan få flere ved at logge ind en gang om dagen og ved at gennemføre opgaver og finde hændelser rundt omkring jeres byer! 10 ekstra træk på spillepladen koster 65 mønter. Brug dem klogt, og få kister og potespor med hjem!

Selvfølgelig kan flere mønter også købes i butikken ved at klikke på plus-knappen her.

The Pop Mechanic


The pop-2 mechanic is a gameplay that is completely new to Forge of Empires. The goal is to find two (or more) of the same block, and pop them and at the same time seek out matches and pop to create even bigger matches!

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Reward Chest

If you pop 5 or more matched blocks, you can create a Reward Chest, and the bigger the match, the bigger the Reward!

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Once a Reward Chest has been created, you will need to claim it. It is not enough to pop and create a Reward Chest, you will also need to pop and drop it! This also applies to Pawprints,which will spawn on your board, and must be dropped to make progress on the Grand Prize bar!

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You drop a Reward chest by moving it to the bottom of the gamefield by removing the blocks below it, either by popping or by using boosters.

Blocks and Stars

There are five different blocks, and each different color type offers a different Reward!

Blue block.jpg Blue chest.png With five or more matches of the Blue Acorn, you will create a blue Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Forge Points
Green block.jpg Green chest.png With five or more matches of the Green Leaf, you will create a Green Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Coins, Supplies, or Boost & Rush Items.
Yellow block.jpg Yellow chest piece.png With five or more matches of the Yellow Flower, you will create a Yellow Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Goods
Orange block.jpg Orange chest piece.png With five or more matches of the Orange Carrot, you will create an Orange Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Medals or Blueprints.
Red block.jpg Red Chest Piece.png With five or more matches of the Red Apple, you will create a Red Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Army Units

In addition, matching more blocks together will also increase the star rating of the Chest Reward. These are rated from 1 to 5 stars, and shown on blocks and Reward Chests (after they are created). Therefore, the bigger the pop, the bigger the Reward!

Chests and stars.png



Pawprints are the currency use to progress on the Grand Prize bar. They are a special block which automatically spawn on the board as you continue to pop up and free up space. In order to collect the pawprints they need to be dropped like the reward chests
A Grand Prize can be obtained upon collection of 20 Paws.


The number of moves you have per level is finite. Therefore, some strategy is required in terms of when you decide to pop. Do you wait for the biggest possible match before popping a group of blocks (thereby creating a higher quality Reward Chest), or will you go all out in trying to get Pawprints? That is very much up to you!

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However, if you do run out of moves, there are still possibilities. When you are completely out of moves, you will be prompted with a dialogue which will allow you to purchase more moves with the second event currency Coins.


Coins can also be spent on Boosters, which will grant you special abilities. Boosters are tools that will help you in your quests for rewards in the pop-2 window. You will receive a few of each whenever you start a new round.

Hammer booster.png With the Hammer you can remove 1 color block from the board.
Windmill Booster.png With the Windmill you can change 4 adjacent blocks to your chosen color.
Lightning Booster.png With Lightning, you can remove all blocks of a chosen color from the board.


If you are out of options, and there are no possible pops on the board - do not fear! The Board automatically re-shuffles, and gives you the option to once again pop more blocks! As long as you have moves, you will be able to pop, and there will be no dead ends. Deadlock shuffles do not cost you a new entrance ticket.

Wildlife Event Questline

Start Your Adventure! At the beginning of the Event you meet Diane, who is a biologist at the Wildlife Park, and responsible for groundbreaking research within her field. As a unique opportunity, she has contracted you in as her assistant and will introduce you to the park workers, animals, and habitats!

As the Main Guest Giver, she will give you 34 rush quests and 21 daily quests.

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Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window,
and you will unlock new prizes at 6, 22, 34, 43 & 55 quests!


Wildlife Event Rewards

The Wildlife Event offers both new and exiting buildings as well as old favorites which has been upgraded and now provides even better rewards! And as always it is also possible to get some very nice new avatars to show of your progress to friends and neighbors!

The Mountain Reserve

A brand-new Event deserves a brand-new Grand Prize! Allow us to present the Mountain Reserve!

It is a 6X4 Building with 7 levels. From level 1, it will provide Coins and Medals boosts, and when motivated, it will provide Goods and Forge Points. These boosts will improve each time you level up, until level 7, where you will be met with 3 brancheable end choices. You can select between the Bear Mountain, Moose Mountain, or Eagle Mountain. Each complete with its own unique bonuses. Which one will you chose?

To upgrade the Mountain Reserve, you have to use the Mountain Reserve Upgrade Kit. These Kits can be obtained in the Wildlife event quest line and as part of the Grand Prize.

Mountain_Reserve - Lv. 1

Mountain_Reserve - Lv. 2

Mountain_Reserve - Lv. 3

Mountain_Reserve - Lv. 4

Mountain_Reserve - Lv. 5

Mountain_Reserve - Lv. 6

Bear Mountain

26 Goods & 11 Forge Points Attacking Bonus For Defending Armies Defending Bonus For Defending Armies


32 Goods & 13 Forge Points

A Large Supply Boost!


Eagle Mountain
23 Goods & 10 Forge Points

Attacking Bonus For Attacking Armies Defending Bonus For Attacking Armies

Daily Specials

In addition, to the Mountain Reserve, you will be able to win Daily Specials through each Reward Chest that you create and drop. The Log Cabin and Menagerie are among these Daily Special Rewards. Complete with improved bonuses!

Log Cabin Menagerie
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Improved bonuses with 3 additional Forge Points, and a 10% Supplies Boost Improved bonus with 25 goods (instead of 10 previously).

Wildlife Event Avatars

Last but not least, you will be able to get the following avatars within the event!

Halona (Questline Reward)
Cooper (Questline Reward)

Wildlife Event and the Event Hub

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By completing quests within the Wildlife Event, you will also have the chance to win The Visitor's Center - a new addition to Event Hub. Complete with a 5-day boost for your attacking armies!