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Som Konge/Dronning over dit Kongerige, skal du udforske og erobre din verden i Forge of Empire. Denne del, af spillet er vigtig, og vil byde på en del udfordringer. vi er dog sikre på at det nok skal lykkes for dig at plante dit banner, på din vej gennem Verdenskortet


Verdenskortet består af provinser. Disse repræsenterer de forskellige tidsaldre. Fra verdenskortet, er der direkte adgang til klan-kontinentet "KvK", og til din by. Den centrale provins samler de laveste tidsaldre, fra stenalderen til og med kolonitiden.

World map.png

Spejd en Provins

Når du starter på kontinentkortet, vil du bemærke at, det meste af kortet er utilgængelig for dig. Du kan sende en spejder afsted til de provinser der støder op til den del af kortet du har låst op. I takt med at dine spejder kommer frem, bliver mere af kortet tilgængelig for dig. Du kan kun have en spejder afsted af gangen.

Scout price.png

I takt med at dine spejder opdager nye og ukendte provinser, vil pris og tid før spejderne ankommer, øges.

Scout time.png


Når Spejderen er ankommet, og provinsen er "opdaget", vil yderlig information blive tilgængelig. Din spejder giver dig alt den information du har brug for, til at indtage denne provins. Du får oplyst hvad belønninger er for at indtage provinsen. Belønningen for indtagelse af de enkelte sektorer, hvilken hær den nuværende leder af sektoren stiller med, som du kan prøve at bekæmpe, eller hvad han kræver af ressourcer for at finde en fredelig løsning, gennem forhandling.



Du kan overtage en sektor uden kamp. Forhandl, viser dig hvilke ressourcer der er brug for.

Worldmap negotiation.png

By producing goods for which you have gained a production bonus, you will produce large quantities that allow you to make trades on the market to acquire all types of goods. You'll be able to negotiate the conquest of provinces that you will discover. But beware, the goods are needed in other areas of the game so do not forget you can always fight to conquer too!


If you have the spirit of the warrior you can express your talents on the battlefield on your path of conquest of the world of Forge of Empires.

Worldmap attack.png

On each sector you will find an army posted in defense of the land of their master. You can use 8 of your best units to defeat each defense. You can also weaken enemy defenses by infiltrating the sector with coins. This action will weaken the units of your opponent. During your conquests you will meet more and more resistance and new struggers (like Barbarian or American Natives). Fights will become more difficult, but your forces will also increase as your empire expands and your city evolves.


Your victories help you to acquire one-off rewards and other long term effects on your empire.

  • Sector reward

In addition to combat experience (that comes with points in PvP tournaments and overall ranking), a sector will provide you with coins or supplies.

Sector coins.png
Sector supplies.png
  • Province reward

When a province is conquered a reward is granted. These awards are of different types and importance:

Long-term rewards

1. A tower: To participate in the PvP tournament of your neighborhood you will acquire the province containing the PvP tower of that era.

Scout tower.png

2. Production bonus: Each era allows you to gain production bonuses allowing you to increase the output of your goods buildings for that specific good.

Scout bonus.png

3. Expansions: Some provinces will provide you an expansion to increase the size of your city

Scout expansion.png

Short-term rewards

  • Goods:

On the example below, the player won 25 of each type of Colonial Age goods.

Scout goods.png
  • Diamonds:

Diamonds are rare but the Campaign Map is a place where you can find some of these precious stones.

Scout diamonds.png
  • Medals:

As you can see above, you can win medals too .

  • Coins/Supplies:

This is the most common reward that you can win. The amounts increase as you progress in maps.

Scout coins.png