St Patricks dag begivenhed 2020: Forskelle mellem versioner

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==Opgave række==
You need to complete quests to earn Pots of Gold. There are 56 quests to complete, 35 rush quests, and then 1 quest for each day of the event. You can also find even more Pots of Gold in incidents around your city. Use the Pots of Gold in the main event window to prepare for the celebrations. You can also purchase additional Pots of Gold for Diamonds if you need some more.
Du skal klare opgaver for at tjene potter med guld. Der er 56 opgaver at klare, 35 her-og-nu opgaver, og så 1 opgave for hver ny dag under begivenheden. Du kan også være heldig at finde potter med guld, fra hendelser rundt omkring din by. Brug potter med guld i begivenheds vinduet som forberedelse til festen. Du kan også købe flere potter med guld for diamanter hvis du har brug for dem.
== Rewards ==
== Rewards ==

Versionen fra 19. feb. 2020, 20:08


St. Patricks Dag er over os, og du har modtaget et råb om hjælp fra en nærliggende by.
De søger din hjælp til at afholde en kæmpe fest for at fejre det hele!

St. Patricks Dag begivenheden introducere en helt ny og unik møde at samle seje avatars, præstationer og bygninger som belønning, med en helt ny begivenheds mekanik. Din opgave er at hjælpe byens folk med forberedelsen på denne store anledning, og efter alt at dømme, så er der noget at gå i gang med! Paddy MCharms er din festival vejleder, så hør efter hvad han siger mens han viser dig rundt i byen og introducere dig for byens folk som vil hjælpe dig på vej med at afholde den bedste St. Patricks Dag festival nogen sinde!

Hvordan kan jeg deltage i St. Patricks Dag begivenheden?



Når du åbner begivenheds vinduet, vil du se et kort over byen. På venstre side har du festivalen. I midten vil du kunne se en af byens fabrikker. Klik på denne for at starte med at producere varer til festivalen. Når produktionen er færdig, vil det komme i containere som er klar til afhentning. Klik på færgen i bunden til venstre for at samle varerne fra byen, og levere dem til festivalen. Når færgen er nået tilbage til festivalen, klikker du på den igen for at indsamle varerne og optjener dine firkløvere. Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png!


Brug disse nye optjente firkløvere Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png til at opgradere fabrikker, forbedre din produktion, samt forøgning af din samlede produktion. Du kan også opgradere færgen samt selve festivalen, for at øge den mængde varer som færgen kan sejle med over floden, samt hvor hurtigt festivalen kan bruge de leverede varer. Hvis du har samlet en større portion firkløvere Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png, og ikke gider opgradere hver enkelt enhed, kan du klikke på "Max" knappen i øverste venstre hjørne for at opgradere det hele nemmere! Hvis du vil, kan du også bruge potter med guld Stpatrick image currency event.png til at fremskynde produktionen med det samme, med 2, 4 og 8 timer. Så kan du hurtigt producere flere firkløvere hvis du skulle mangle.

For at du får den bedste start kan du også læse vores Kom godt fra start guide


Stpatrick image building parade.png Festivalen er hvor du sælger alle dine varer og får firkløvere Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.pngsom betaling. Festivalen er på den anden side af floden fra fabrikkerne, så det er nødvendigt at transportere varerne over floden med færgen. Når de er leveret vil de blive oplagret indtil du eller din manager kan sælge dem.

Færge havnen

Stpatrick task shipyard large.png Færge havnen er hvor du vedligeholder og udvider din færge. Dette koster firkløvere Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png. Jo mere du opgradere din færge, jo flere varer kan den transportere over floden samt sejle hurtigere.

Varer Bygninger

Der er 5 forskellige varer bygninger. Hver producere de forskellige antal af festival varer. Hatte fabrikken er klar med det samme når begivenheden starter, og de andre 4 kan oplåses ved at bruge firkløvere Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png.

Når en bygning er klar, vil den være i niveau 1. Du kan bruge firkløvere til at øge produktionen i dine bygninger. Mens et nyt niveau vil øge produktionen af din bygning, vil bestemte niveauer låse op for produktions multiplikatore.

Niveau Multiplikator
1-10 1
11-25 2
26-50 4
51-100 8
101-200 16
201-300 32

Bygning Navn Pris for oplåsning.
Stpatrick task hatfactory large.png Hatte fabrik. Gratis
Stpatrick task flowerfactory large.png Blomster fabrik. 1.1K Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick task cakefactory large.png Kage fabrik. 1.2M Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick task factory large.png Drikkelse fabrik. 1.5B Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png
Stpatrick task firefactory large.png Fyrværkeri fabrik 111B Stpatrick icon idlecurrency.png

De forskellige forkortelser er som følger: K = Tusinde | M = Million | B = Billion


Niveau Stpatrick image manager market.pngFestival Manager Stpatrick image manager transport.png Færge Havn Manager Stpatrick image manager hats.png Hatte fabrik Manager Stpatrick image manager flowers.pngBlomster fabrik Manager Stpatrick image manager cakes.pngKage fabrik Manager Stpatrick image manager factory.pngDrikkelse fabrik Manager Stpatrick image manager fireworks.pngFyrværkeri fabrik Manager
Niveau 1 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 10Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 30Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 50Stpatrick image currency event.png
Niveau 2 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 20Stpatrick image currency event.png 40Stpatrick image currency event.png 60Stpatrick image currency event.png 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png
Niveau 3 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 80Stpatrick image currency event.png 30Stpatrick image currency event.png 60Stpatrick image currency event.png 90Stpatrick image currency event.png 120Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png
Niveau 4 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 150Stpatrick image currency event.png 200Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png
Niveau 5 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 200Stpatrick image currency event.png 300Stpatrick image currency event.png 400Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png

Opgave række

Du skal klare opgaver for at tjene potter med guld. Der er 56 opgaver at klare, 35 her-og-nu opgaver, og så 1 opgave for hver ny dag under begivenheden. Du kan også være heldig at finde potter med guld, fra hendelser rundt omkring din by. Brug potter med guld i begivenheds vinduet som forberedelse til festen. Du kan også købe flere potter med guld for diamanter hvis du har brug for dem.


Town completion Rewards

When you are ready to move on to the next town, either because you have completed all the quest in the current one or you just want to move on then click on the next town button. The button can be found in the bottom right corner of the Event Window. It becomes active once you have an available balance of 8.4 Quadrillion (8.4Q) Shamrocks.

StageComplete1 1.1.png

Moving to the next town will costStpatrick icon idlecurrency.png 8.4 Quadrillion Shamrocks and you will be asked to confirm you wish to move on before being presented with a choice of end of stage reward boxes.

StageComplete2 1.1.png

All the available prizes from each box are shown on the left hand side of the screen. The first reward box you open is free but if you want to try your luck and open another it will cost Pots of Gold Stpatrick image currency event.png.

If you chose to open all 6 reward boxes, you will receive a Celtic Forest Selection Kit for free. Once you do that you will be presented with 6 new reward boxes which you can chose to open by spending pots of gold or you can move on and start the next stage in a new town by clicking the continue button.

StageComplete3 1.1.png

The table below details the cost of opening reward boxes from the end of stage collection screen. The costs continue to scale with each new set of 6 reward boxes.

Reward Box First Second Third
Reward Box 1 Free 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 2 50Stpatrick image currency event.png 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 3 100Stpatrick image currency event.png 250Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 4 250Stpatrick image currency event.png 500Stpatrick image currency event.png 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 5 500Stpatrick image currency event.png 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png 2000Stpatrick image currency event.png
Reward Box 6 1000Stpatrick image currency event.png 2000Stpatrick image currency event.png 4000Stpatrick image currency event.png

Celtic Forest Set

The CelticForestSet.png Celtic Forest Set is a building set containing of 5 different buildings that can also be upgraded to a second level.


Majestic Fawn - Lv. 1 Majestic Stag - Lv. 2 Standing Stone - Lv. 1 Standing Stone - Lv. 2
L SS AllAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
L SS AllAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
D SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
D SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
0 Without other set buildings Medals

1 With 1 other set building Medals
2 With 2 other set buildings 1 Forge Points
3 With 3 other set buildings 2% Attack boost

0 Without other set buildings Medals

1 With 1 other set building Medals
2 With 2 other set buildings 2 Forge Points
3 With 3 other set buildings 4% Attack boost

0 Without other set buildings Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 3% Supplies
2 With 2 other set building 3% Attack boost for defending army

0 Without other set buildings Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 6% Supplies
2 With 2 other set building 6% Attack boost for defending army

Druid Willow - Lv. 1 Druid Willow - Lv. 2 Faery Rings - Lv. 1 Faery Rings - Lv. 2
A SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
A SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20c.png
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20d.png
0 Without other set buildings Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 3% Defense boost for defending army
2 With 2 other set building 3% Defense boost for attacking army

0 Without other set buildings Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 6% Defense boost for defending army
2 With 2 other set building 6% Defense boost for attacking army

0 Without other set buildings Coins

1 With 1 other set building Supplies
2 With 2 other set buildings 2 Forge Points
3 With 3 other set buildings 5 Goods

0 Without other set buildings Coins

1 With 1 other set building Supplies
2 With 2 other set buildings 4 Forge Points
3 With 3 other set buildings 10 Goods

Moon Gate - Lv. 1 Moon Gate - Lv. 2
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
0 Without other set buildings Coins

1 With 1 other set buildings 1 Forge Points
2 With 2 other set building Medals
3 With 3 other set buildings 5 Goods
4 With 3 other set buildings 2 Forge Points

R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
0 Without other set buildings Coins

1 With 1 other set buildings 2 Forge Points
2 With 2 other set building Medals
3 With 3 other set buildings 10 Goods
4 With 3 other set buildings 6 Forge Points

Upgrading the Celtic Forest Set

In order to bring one of the Celtic Forest Set Buildings to the next level, you will need the unique upgrade kit for each building. Alternatively, you can also use the Celtic Forest Selection Kit to upgrade any of the set buildings.

L SS AllAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
Majestic Fawn - Lv. 1
Upgrade kit majestic fawn.png
Majestic Fawn Upgrade Kit
L SS AllAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
Majestic Stag - Lv. 2
D SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
Standing Stone - Lv. 1
Upgrade kit standing stone.png
Standing Stone Upgrade Kit
D SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
Standing Stone - Lv. 2
A SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
Druid Willow - Lv. 1
Upgrade kit druid willow.png
Druid Willow Upgrade Kit
A SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
Druid Willow - Lv. 2
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20c.png
Faery Rings - Lv. 1
Upgrade kit faery rings.png
Faery Rings Upgrade Kit
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20d.png
Faery Rings - Lv. 2
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20a.png
Moon Gate - Lv. 1
Upgrade kit moon gate.png
Moon Gate Upgrade Kit
R SS MultiAge PatrickBonusSet20b.png
Moon Gate - Lv. 2

The Celtic Forest Selection Kit

If you use the Celtic Forest Selection Kit, a window will open that allows you to either upgrade one of your existing Celtic Forest Set Buildings to Level 2 or build a new Level 1 Celtic Forest Set Building.

Selection kit celtic forest set.png

Choose "Build" and you can directly place the building in your city. Choose "Upgrade" and you can upgrade an existing level 1 building in your city.


St. Patrick's Day Event Avatars

There are two avatars which can be obtained during the St. Patrick's Day Event questline.

Cathleen Cathleen Micky Micky