Naturbegivenheden 2023: Forskelle mellem versioner

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Der kan selvfølgelig også købes flere Mønter i Shoppen ved at klikke på plusknappen her.
Der kan selvfølgelig også købes flere Mønter i Shoppen ved at klikke på plusknappen her.

=== Knusningsfunktionen ===
=== Pop 2 funktionaliteten ===
Målet er at finde to (eller flere) af den samme blok og knuse dem, og på samme tid forsøge at skabe endnu større grupper af ens blokke!
[[File:Tutourial 1.png|center|500px|link=]]
==== Belønningskister ====
Hvis I knuser 5 eller flere matchende blokke på en gang, skaber I en belønningskiste, og jo større antallet af ens blokke der knuses er, jo større er belønningen!
[[File:Tutourial 2.png|center|500px|link=]]
Når først en belønningskiste er oprettet, skal I opsamle den. Det er ikke nok at knuse blokkene og oprette en belønningskiste, I skal både knuse og lade den falde ud! 
[[File:Tutourial 3.png|center|500px|link=]]
I gør dette ved at fjerne blokke enten ved at knuse eller ved brug af boostere indtil kisten falder ud spillepladen for neden.  Dette gælder også for Poteaftryk, som spontant vil dannes på jeres spilleplade og som også skal falde ud for neden for at I får den og opnår fremskridt på jeres hovedpræmie bjælke!

[[File:wildlife board 2023.png|center|500px|link=]]
[[File:wildlife board 2023.png|center|500px|link=]]

Versionen fra 1. maj 2023, 17:06

Wildlife loading 2023.png

Jeres tidligere guide Diane er tilbage igen for at guide jer på endnu en tur i naturen. I år vil hun lede jer på et eventyr gennem et Pandareservat! Her vil hun introducere jer til Guoliang, en munk, der har viet sit liv til at arbejde med pandaerne! Tilsammen vil de give jer 30 straksopgaver, 21 daglige opgaver og selvfølgelig 22 gratis daglige valutaindsamlingsopgaver!.


Hvordan kan jeg deltage i naturbegivenheden?


For at starte begivenheden, skal du åbne begivenhedsdialogen, og du vil se vinduet for naturbegivenheden!

Det er her, du vil begynde dit eventyr, og du vil bruge entrébilletter til at begynde at spille niveauet. Skærmen vil også vise dine fremskridt mod hovedpræmien, såvel som den daglige særpræmie, som er tilgængelig for den pågældende dag. Ligesom i Arkæologibegivenheden, vil du også være i stand til at bytte den, og dette kan gøres i begivenhedsvinduet, før du overhovedet begynder på et niveau!

Wildlife main 2023.png


Der er to begivenhedsvalutaer i Naturbegivenheden. Mønter og Entrebilletter.


Wildlife event ticket.png I starter med 4 entrebilletter, og I kan vinde flere ved at løse opgaver og finde hændelser rundt omkring i jeres by. Derudover genopfyldes de også over tid (svarer til energidrikke i fodboldbegivenheden).

Selvfølgelig, kan I hvis I vil have flere, altid købe flere ved hjælp af diamanter ved at klikke på Plus-knappen..


Image2021-5-17 17-50-42.png I starten af begivenheden vil du have 200 mønter, men du kan vinde yderligere ved at logge ind én gang om dagen, samt gennemføre opgaver og indsamle hændelser omkring din by! Hver 65 brugte mønter giver 10 ekstra træk. Brug dem med omtanke, og tag kister og poteaftryk med hjem!

Der kan selvfølgelig også købes flere Mønter i Shoppen ved at klikke på plusknappen her.

Pop 2 funktionaliteten


Målet er at finde to (eller flere) af den samme blok og knuse dem, og på samme tid forsøge at skabe endnu større grupper af ens blokke!

Tutourial 1.png


Hvis I knuser 5 eller flere matchende blokke på en gang, skaber I en belønningskiste, og jo større antallet af ens blokke der knuses er, jo større er belønningen!

Tutourial 2.png

Når først en belønningskiste er oprettet, skal I opsamle den. Det er ikke nok at knuse blokkene og oprette en belønningskiste, I skal både knuse og lade den falde ud!

Tutourial 3.png

I gør dette ved at fjerne blokke enten ved at knuse eller ved brug af boostere indtil kisten falder ud spillepladen for neden. Dette gælder også for Poteaftryk, som spontant vil dannes på jeres spilleplade og som også skal falde ud for neden for at I får den og opnår fremskridt på jeres hovedpræmie bjælke!

Wildlife board 2023.png

The goal is to find two (or more) of the same block, and pop them and at the same time seek out matches and pop to create even bigger matches!

Tutourial 1.png


If you pop 5 or more matched blocks, you can create a Reward Chest, and the bigger the match, the bigger the Reward!

Tutourial 2.png

Once a Reward Chest has been created, you will need to claim it. It is not enough to pop and create a Reward Chest, you will also need to pop and drop it! This also applies to Pawprints,which will spawn on your board, and must be dropped to make progress on the Grand Prize bar!

Tutourial 3.png

You drop a Reward chest by moving it to the bottom of the gamefield by removing the blocks below it, either by popping or by using boosters.

Kasser og stjerner

There are five different blocks, and each different color type offers a different Reward!

Blue block.jpg Blue chest.png With five or more matches of the Blue Acorn, you will create a blue Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Forge Points
Green block.jpg Green chest.png With five or more matches of the Green Leaf, you will create a Green Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Coins, Supplies, or Boost & Rush Items.
Yellow block.jpg Yellow chest piece.png With five or more matches of the Yellow Flower, you will create a Yellow Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Goods
Orange block.jpg Orange chest piece.png With five or more matches of the Orange Carrot, you will create an Orange Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Medals or Blueprints.
Red block.jpg Red Chest Piece.png With five or more matches of the Red Apple, you will create a Red Chest Piece which will contain a reward with Army Units

In addition, matching more blocks together will also increase the star rating of the Chest Reward. These are rated from 1 to 5 stars, and shown on blocks and Reward Chests (after they are created). Therefore, the bigger the pop, the bigger the Reward!

Chests and stars.png


Pawprints are the currency use to progress on the Grand Prize bar. They are a special block which automatically spawn on the board as you continue to pop up and free up space. In order to collect the pawprints they need to be dropped like the reward chests.

A Grand Prize can be obtained upon collection of 20 Paws.


The number of moves you have per level is finite. Therefore, some strategy is required in terms of when you decide to pop. Do you wait for the biggest possible match before popping a group of blocks (thereby creating a higher quality Reward Chest), or will you go all out in trying to get Pawprints? That is very much up to you!

Wildlife out of moves new.png

However, if you do run out of moves, there are still possibilities. When you are completely out of moves, you will be prompted with a dialogue which will allow you to purchase more moves with the second event currency Coins.


Coins can also be spent on Boosters, which will grant you special abilities. Boosters are tools that will help you in your quests for rewards in the pop-2 window. You will receive a few of each whenever you start a new round.

Hammer booster.png With the Hammer you can remove 1 color block from the board.
Windmill Booster.png With the Windmill you can change 4 adjacent blocks to your chosen color.
Lightning Booster.png With Lightning, you can remove all blocks of a chosen color from the board.

Låsning af spillet

If you are out of options, and there are no possible pops on the board - do not fear! The Board automatically re-shuffles, and gives you the option to once again pop more blocks! As long as you have moves, you will be able to pop, and there will be no dead ends. Deadlock shuffles do not cost you a new entrance ticket.

Wildlife Event Questline

Start Your Adventure! At the beginning of the Event you meet Diane, who is a biologist at the Wildlife Park. As the Main Guest Giver, she and Guoliang, a monk, will give you 30 rush quests and 21 daily quests.

Wildlife quesline 2023.png

Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window,
and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 20, 30, 40 & 51 quests!


Wildlife leagues 2023.png

Similar to other events like the Forge Bowl Event, you will collect points from popping tiles and move up to higher leagues.

League requirements are based on the scoring of all players in your world. Rewards will be granted at the end of the event.

Wildlife Event Rewards

Panda Resserve

By playing along with this year's event, you could win your very own Panda Reserve! It is a 4x5 Building with 9 levels.

Panda reserve upgrade 2023.png To upgrade the Panda Reserve, you have to use the Panda Reserve Upgrade Kit. These Kits can be obtained in the Wildlife event quest line and as part of the Grand Prize.
R SS MultiAge WILD23A1-569490519.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 1
R SS MultiAge WILD23A2-3f7741e6f.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 2
R SS MultiAge WILD23A3-1662e8b42.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 3
R SS MultiAge WILD23A4-f10102685.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 4
R SS MultiAge WILD23A5-5efb9894e.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 5
R SS MultiAge WILD23A6-9fab5830c.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 6
R SS MultiAge WILD23A7-cb604d0aa.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 7
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Panda_Reserve - Lv. 8
R SS MultiAge WILD23A9-3d58df412.png
Panda_Reserve - Lv. 9

Panda Shrine

Upgrade your Panda Reserve level 9 with the Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit to receive the Panda Shrine:

R SS MultiAge WILD23A10-683d94f8c.png
Panda Shrine

You can gain a Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit from the Premium Event Pass, by placing in the Apprentice League or higher or by winning a time Limited building called the Golden Panda Statue from the Grand Prize progress. This will give out Fragments of a Panda Shrine Upgrade Kit.

W SS MultiAge WILD23G-c4b6dc2dc.png
Golden Panda Statue

Panda Pathways​

Keep your binoculars on hand to spot the Panda Pathway Kits in our Daily Specials! Link these bonus buildings to your Panda Reserve to further increase its output!

D SS MultiAge WILD23B-1a3008782.png
Bamboo Bridge
D SS MultiAge WILD23C-126daea8b.png
Purple Bamboo Park
D SS MultiAge WILD23D-56ea68f1f.png
Lotus Flower Lake

Other Rewards​

If you win all of that and still want more, you can also win the Himalayan Firs and the Rhododendron Fields in the Premium Pass and top two League Rewards. You can even upgrade both of these to increase their bonuses!

W SS MultiAge WILD23E1-a3895d0a0.png
Himalayan Firs - Lv. 1
W SS MultiAge WILD23E2-18425f4cc.png
Himalayan Firs - Lv. 2
W SS MultiAge WILD23F1-ea4d396ce.png
Rhododendron Field - Lv. 1
W SS MultiAge WILD23F2-702e6f268.png
Rhododendron Field - Lv. 2


No event is complete without some new avatars to add to your collection!

Xīn yí
Xīn yí
(Quest Reward)
(Quest Reward)
(Premium Pass)
(Premium Pass)
(Premium Pass)
(League Reward)

If you want to read about the Wildlife Event 2022, click here.