Arkæologibegivenheden 2022

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'En gammel grav afventer modige opdagelsesrejsende.

Støv din skovl, pensel og dynamit af, og vær parat til at dykke ned i dybet af en hule fyldt med rigdom.'

Allage archeology edward.png

Hvordan kan jeg deltage i Arkæologibegivenheden?

Klik på arkæologibanneret i spillet for at begynde din udgravning. Når arkæologbegivenheden er startet, kan du få adgang til begivenhedsvinduet. Grib din skovl, og lad os gå i gang!

Event Window Archaeology2022.png

  1. I øverste venstre hjørne finder du Archeology scroll.pngskriftrulle tælleren. Her kan du se antallet af skriftruller, du har i øjeblikket. Du kan også købe yderligere skriftruller for Diamanter ved at klikke på Plusbutton.png.
  2. Til højre for dine skrift ruller kan du se Hovedpræmie-indikatoren, der viser den aktuelle Hovedpræmie såvel som de to efterfølgende, samt de fremskridt, du har gjort mod den aktuelle præmie. Du får denne efter indsamling af 20 gyldne idoler i hulen.
  3. Den daglige særpræmie kan ses lige ved siden af Hovedpræmien. På enhver given dag har du en chance for at få den i alle vaser og urner. Den ændrer sig hver dag.
  4. I øverste højre hjørne er indgangen til dit museum hvor stenfliserne som du har fundet vil være samlet.
  5. Til venstre i begivenhedsvinduet er værktøjet og en tæller. Her kan du se hvor mange af hver slagsArcheology tool brush.pngPensler, Archeology tool shovel.pngSkovle og Archeology tool dynamite.pngDynamit du har.
  6. Endelig, til højre er hovedområdet for begivenheden, hvor alt det sjove sker. Brug dit værktøj til at støve fliserne af, kom frem i hulen, og afslør gyldne statuer og vaser.

ToolsArchInstructions3.png EventWindowHoverVase.jpg

Da du ikke kan fjerne stenfliser, skal du sørge for, at du planlægger at bruge dine værktøjer effektivt. Du vil have en chance for at afsløre en vase, flere værktøjer (pensler, skovle og dynamit) der kan hjælpe dig frem eller eftertragtede gyldne idoler. Hold musen hen over vaserne for at finde ud af, hvad der tilbydes i hver enkelt. Når du har afsløret en belønning helt, skal du klikke på den for at kræve din præmie. Vær forsigtig! Når du går for langt, er der ingen vej tilbage og du mister belønningen af syne. Når du har samlet 20 guldidoler, modtager du den hovedpræmie, der vises øverst i begivenhedsvinduet. For at samle en udækket præmie skal du klikke på den uden at have valgt et værktøj. Alternativt vil uafdækkede præmier automatisk blive opsamlet, når de skubbes ud af begivenhedsvinduet. Husk dog, at stadig dækkede præmier ikke samles på denne måde!

The Museum

As you dig your way through the depths, you'll notice something is different about this cave. While advancing through the ancient ruin you may find rare clay tablets. With each you can start an optional questline with a special reward at the end. These quests are not added towards the Archaeology Event counter. Finishing each clay tablet grants you the Historian Reward. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.


There are four "Common Tablets", three "Silver Tablets" and one "Golden Tablet" to be found. The Silver Tablets hereby are rarer than the Common Tablets and the Golden Tablet is rarer than the Silver Tablet. The questlines of different tablets may be activated at the same time. The quest line of the same tablet may be repeated as many times as the tablet was found.

Common Tablets Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 1.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 2.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 3.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet normal 4.png
Silver Tablets Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 1.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 2.png Reward icon archeology clay tablet silver 3.png
Golden Tablet Reward icon archeology clay tablet gold 1.png


The Archaeology Event offers you the chance to win a whole host of prizes, as well as some brand new rewards.


Many different treasures await you on your way through the tomb, but they are buried in the sand. To see them, the light of your exploration needs to fall on the sand tiles. If they're in darkness still, you won't be able to see if a sand tile contains treasures.

Before After Calender Shards
Calendershards archaeology.png
Reward icon grand prize archeology event.png Golden Idols are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Golden Idols, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
ToolCollection.png Tools can also be found among the buried treasures. You can find all the tools of the event!
Archeology chest 12.png Vases come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the buried vase or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
Archeology event info 3.png Clay Tablets While advancing through the ancient ruin you may find rare clay tablets. With each you can start an optional questline with a special reward at the end. These quests are not added towards the Archaeology Event counter. Finishing each clay tablet grants you the Historian Reward.
Shards.png Calendar Shards There are 21 slots for each day of the event, and these are unlocked by uncovering gems within the tomb. Gems are found once per day and are lurking underneath tiles, so do not forget to be diligent out there in your excavation! Once you have the gem, you can unlock a slot and gain a reward. If you have missed gems from the previous day, there are hidden gem shards which can be fitted together to make the Joker Gem. The Joker Gem can be redeemed on a previous day's slot that was missed.In addition, to finding gem shards within the tombs, they can also be won in daily challenges. Therefore, there are plenty opportunities to be able to craft Joker Gems! Certainly, you will want to fill all the slots, as doing so will unlock a special bonus reward at the end of the event.

Getting more tools

You can find more tools in the tomb itself, but there is also a way to exchange your event scrolls for more tools. Press the Plusbutton.png-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your scrolls or buy bundles that give you a better deal!

Tool Shop.png

Scrolls themselves can be gained as a daily login bonus and from Quests in the Archaeology Event.

Archaeology Event Questline

There are 60 quests in total to aid your progress which come in two questlines. The Main Questline with 39 rush quest and the Daily Questline, which will give you 1 quest for the remaining days of the event. These Quests will stack until you have completed the Main Questlines. So you will not miss any if you do not complete the Main Questlines on the first day.
Every solved quest grants you some Scrolls. The quests have to be solved in the order they are presented, and no quests are abortable. Additionally, for this Event extra Quests can be found in every tablet that you collect, once a tablet is opened the Quest inside cannot be aborted.


Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window,
and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 18, 30, 45 & 60 quests!

Questline Archaeology2022.png

Archaelogy Event Rewards

Daily Special

You can decide to change the daily special reward once each day to another random chosen reward, from the events daily specials. When you have decided to change, you can not undo that decision and get the old reward back, so please remember this before you choose to change!

Change daily Archaeology2022.png

Butterfly Sanctuary Set

Butterfly Sanctuary Set

Previous Archaeology events buildings

Not only that! You will also have the chance to win the Ferris Wheel and the Airship from the previous Archaeology events (as well as other prizes), within the Daily Special!

Archaeology Event 2021 Archaeology Event 2020

Archaeology Event Avatars

Last but not least, you will be able to get the following avatars within the event!

Scarab Lord
Scarab Lord