Sociale Handlinger
You can draw great benefits from peaceful coexistence with other players. If you help other players, you will get some coins for your support. If you are helped, however, this can be clearly noticeable. To assist a player or to attack him, you have to visit his town, and there you can then select one of the following actions. Remember, though, that you can perform only one action to another player within 24 hours – and since an attack counts as an action, you can only fight once per day, or do any other of the types of interaction.
You can polish the cultural buildings and decorations of a neighbor. The corresponding happiness value is then doubled for the next 12 hours. You can also get a blueprint by doing this, necessary to build Great Buildings
You can motivate the residential buildings and production buildings of a neighbor. The current production is doubled in the building – when doing so, it is worth it a lot more if production is running for a long time. Motivation has a nice side effect – a motivated building can no longer be plundered. Like polishing, you can get a blueprint when you motivate a building, needed for Great Buildings
You can attack a player to see which one of you is the strongest and to receive points for tournaments, a good way to gather medals. The Kampene works like battles on the continent map, except you will now fight against the defending units the player has set up.
Efter et succesfuldt angreb, vil du have muligheden for at plyndre spilleren. Du kan plyndre de fleste bygninger, som har en færdig produktion, udbyttet fra bygningen bliver dit og byens ejer går glip af den aktuelle produktion. Udover plyndrings godset kan du også være heldig at få en byggeplan til en af de mange Storslåede Bygninger, dog vil din chance for at få byggeplaner være større, hvis du støtter spilleren.
Du kan polere eller motivere en næsten tilfældig bygning i en anden spillers by, ved simpelthen at trykke på en knap under spillerens portræt i den sociale bjælke. Dette kræver ikke at du besøger byen.
- Støt knappen motiverer eller polerer automatisk en bygning i den respektive spillers by uden at man skal besøge byen..
- Hvordan virker Støt knappen egentligt?
- Bygninger som “Kundskabens Alter” udløser en yderligere virkning når de bliver poleret/motiveret, den nuværende tidsalder bliver prioriteret først.
- Hvis der ikke er sådanne bygninger tilgængelige eller de alle er poleret/motiveret, vil der automatisk blive valgt en tilfældig bygning fra den næstnyeste tidsalder.
- Du vil kunne finde Støt knappen i handlings historikken - hvis noget har hjulpet dig kan du returnere tjenesten med det samme.
- Det er stadig muligt, at besøge en spiller og selv vælge hvilken bygning, som skal poleres eller motiveres. Hvilken mulighed vil du vælge? Det er helt op til dig!