Sommer Begivenhed 2018

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Pirater, skattekister og rom! I år tager Forge of Empires dig med til Caribien sommeren over. Nyd spændende eventyr, og find værdifulde skatte!

I vores Sommer Event bliver du taget med til Caribien, i det 17. århundrede. Der venter piraten Jane på dig og hun har brug for din hjælp til, at finde værdifulde skatte. Få dig et skib, hyr mandskab, og sæt sejl!

For mange år siden sejlede Jane under Kaptajn Kate Harward's flag. Tungt lastet med guld, blev hendes skib offer for, den brutale pirat Blodskæg. Som eneste overlevende deler Jane nu sin frygtindgydende historie med dig. Er du i stand til, sammen med Jane at finde den tabte skat?

Pirate Jane

Hvordan fungerer Sommer Eventen?

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Hovedformålet i Sommer Eventen er, at samle alle brikkerne til Skattekortet, dette gøres ved, at bruge Lykkehjulet.

Event Overview

Brug Lykkehjulet ved, at åbne for Sommer Eventen :

Wheel of Fortune

Reward icon doubloons.png

I Lykkehjulet kan du vinde forskellige typer af præmier fra de Almindelige til de mere Sjældne. De grønne er de Almindelige, som kan vindesflere gange, sølv er de Ualmindelige, og de Sjældne (guld) kan kun vindes én eller to gange. Hvis der ingen præmier er, som du vil have , genopfrisk da Hjulet, dette koster dig 1 Doubloon.

Udover de præmier du kan vinde, vil du også modtage mindst én del af Skattekortet pr. tur, som i sidste ende er med til, at udløse Særpræmien. Hvis du har samlet alle delene til Skattekortet, udløses Særpræmien.

For at dreje på Lykkehjulet skal du bruge Doubloons. Disse kan vindes ved, at løse opgaverne i Sommer Eventen, som når de løses også giver dig andre præmier!

Quest Overview

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You will be able to complete 30 quests immediately, then you will receive one quest per day until the last day of the event. The daily quests will stack, so you will probably have a few of them waiting for you, when you're done with the initial 30 quests.

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In the Summer Event your Neighborhood is really important, because you all share the same Wheel of Fortune.
If a Neighbor wins a prize on the Wheel of Fortune, this particular prize is also gone for you. If a Neighbor refreshes the Wheel of Fortune, it's also refreshed for you.
What you Neighbors won on the Wheel of Fortune, or if they refreshed it, can be seen directly under the Wheel itself.

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Reward Selection Kits

During the event you can also win different Reward Selection Kits on the Wheel of Fortune. If you win one of those, you can use it in your inventory and select one of the displayed prizes.

Reward Selection Kit

There're three different kinds of Reward Selection Kits:

Trader Selection Kit
Trader Selection Kit
Royal Selection Kit
Royal Selection Kit
Pirate Selection Kit
Pirate Selection Kit
Reward icon doubloons.png

Summer Avatars

These Avatars are available during the Summer Event. You can get them for solving quests.

Voodoo Priestess Pirate Captain
Caribbean Woman Caribbean Man

Summer Event Buildings

You can get special carribbean related buildings during the Summer Event:

P SS MultiAge SummerBonus18.png
Sunken Treasure
D SS MultiAge SummerBonus18.png
R SS MultiAge SummerBonus18.png
Stranded Boat
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The Ship

The Ship is a special upgradeable building you can get during the Summer. Once you have it on level 1 (you will receive it in one of the first quests), you have a chance to upgrade it to Level 7! In order to do so, you have to advance through the questline and get some Reward icon upgrade kit the ship.png upgrade kits. You can also win the Reward icon upgrade kit the ship.png upgrade kits whith collecting Treasure Map pieces on the Wheel of Fortune

The Ship - Lv. 1
The Ship - Lv. 1
The Ship - Lv. 2
The Ship - Lv. 2
The Ship - Lv. 3
The Ship - Lv. 3
The Ship - Lv. 4
The Ship - Lv. 4
The Ship - Lv. 5
The Ship - Lv. 5
The Ship - Lv. 6
The Ship - Lv. 6
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Upgrading the Ship to Lv. 7

If you upgrade The Ship from Lv. 6 to Lv. 7 you will need to choose between 3 different options. Make a wise choice, because you can't revert your choice and you can only upgrade your Ship to one of these.

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R SS MultiAge SummerBonus18f.png
The Ship - Lv. 6
The Ship Upgrade Reward icon upgrade kit the ship.png needed to upgrade to 1 of 3 other Ships
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The Trader Ship
The Trader Ship
The Royal Ship
The Royal Ship
The Pirate Ship
The Pirate Ship
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If motivated
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Icon supplies.png
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