Sommerbegivenheden 2024

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Ohøj, matroser og slubberter! Luk lugerne, hejs Jolly Roger, og sæt sejl til et eventyr på åbent hav, når sommerbegivenheden vender tilbage med et ekstra twist i 2024.!!


Welcome to the 2024 Summer Event! Prepare to make berth once again at our secret pirate hideaway deep in the Caribbean, where you can spend your golden Doubloons to win a trove of prizes! Roll the dice and reap rewards that'll make you the talk of the seven seas for years to come!

Hvordan spiller jeg sommerbegivenheden?


For at sætte gang i det sjove på brædtet, bliver I nødt til at samle Dubloner fra opgaver og hændelser, der dukker op i jeres byer. Disse dyrebare Dubloner er din nøgle til at vende brikker på det mystiske shuffle-bræt, der ligger forude.

Hver brik med tilhørende skat koster 10 Dubloner at afsløre. Frygt ikke, for hver brik der vendes, vil også automatisk give jer et kast med jetonerne. To jetoner vil blive kastet i alt, og når jetonerne falder så hovedet er øverst, så er I heldige for de vil give jer fremgang i jagten på den mest eftertragtede skat af dem alle: hovedpræmien!

Image-2023-4-10 17-28-30.png


I år afslører vi en skinnende ny skat: Superbrættet! Plyndr gyldne drager fra et almindeligt Spillebrædt 3 gange for at finde et superbræt!

Reward icon pirate superboard key.png

Disse turboladede planker har ingen bland, men har i stedet TO Vis to- og 2x udbetalingsfelter samt to daglige særlige tilbud sammen med forbedrede belønninger og accelererede fremskridt mod hovedpræmien! I sætter sejl med en booster hver, og så kan I kaste jer over Rival Udfordringen for at få fat i flere boostere!



Pirate icon booster cannon.png
Ødelægger brikker på brættet, der indeholder fyldbelønninger eller en bland.

Special tiles like show two, double payout, daily special, calendar key or the golden dragon can't be destroyed. But be aware! Destroyed tiles won't grant you any reward, but it will increase your chance of finding something more valuable down the line.

Pirate icon booster treasure.png
Det næste brik, du åbner, koster ingen dubloner og fordobler belønningen for den næste brik, du åbner.

Derudover afslører den yderligere to brikker på spillepladen. Du kan kombinere Præmie-forstærkeren med andre specialbrikker på brættet, så sørg for at bruge den klogt for at få en masse skatte!

Pirate icon booster spyglass.png
Afslører alle specialbrikker som bland, vis to og dobbelt udbetaling, der er på brættet.
Du kan bruge den til enten at undgå at blande, hvis du vil afslutte brættet hurtigt, eller smart bruge de andre specialfelter til at få de maksimale belønninger fra dette bræt.

Tips and Tricks

Make use of new Boosters!

These new boosters are all available in the Rival Event, so don't delay and complete as many Rival Event quests as possible when they appear!
Want to maximize your moves? Activate the Spyglass Booster. This booster will unmask all the Shuffle, x2 and Show Two tiles on your current board. With this booster you can choose which order you use these tiles to maximize your prizes! For an extra powerful boost, use this on a Super Board!
No Doubloons left? No problem! Use the Bounty Amplifier booster to uncover a tile for free. This tile will also be doubled AND you'll also reveal two hidden tiles on the board.

Too many tiles, too little time? Break out the Cannon Ball booster! Destroy a random tile containing a filler reward or Shuffle.

Pirate icon booster cannon.png

Husk de daglige udfordringer

Daily Challenges are a part of this Event as well. Every day you have the option to choose the Event chest, providing Doubloons. Completing the challenges might give you the extra edge you needed.

Hændelser er også vigtige Not only Daily Challenges provide a reward for the Event, Incidents in and around your city do the same. They have a chance to provide you with some extra Doubloons to flip more tiles!

Overvej kalenderen Are you determined to win the ​final Calendar reward? Remember that once ​you have ​won the Turquoise Key for today's date, after this you only win Key Parts! It is much more cost effective to win the whole key than to assemble key parts for missed days, so try to win one key a day to maximize your chances of winning the Calendar Chest!


Keep a weather eye open, for among the tiles on the shuffle board lies a prize most coveted: Treasure Maps! You can get them on the following rewards: Shuffle, the x2 and the Reveal. You can easily identify them since there will be an additional Treasure Map icon on those rewards, as you can see from the screenshot down below.

Image-2023-4-11 14-21-19.png

Each Treasure Map leads to a bonus prize. Choose between two tantalizing options to add that prize to your hoard.


At any moment, or when your pile of Treasure Maps is full, you can dig up that buried treasure using diamonds to collect the rewards. To get the best deal, wait until you will have collected the max amount of Treasure Maps before claiming your rewards!

Find yourself torn between these two rewards? You can pay the diamond fee to claim both! And should the wind not blow in your favour with your prize options, you can use the swap to re-roll each one of them.

Sejlmagerens værksted

With Treasure Maps you can also win a Sailmaker's Workshop offering a boost not only to yer armies, but the chance to keep building up the Grand Prize by collecting fragments! Level it up to a max of 4 levels for the biggest boost possible!

Sejlmagerens værksted - Niv. 1 (2x2) Sejlmagerens værksted - Niv. 2 (2x2) Sailmaker’s Studio (2x2) Sejlmagerens atelier (2x2)
Sailmakers Workshop1.png SailmakerWorkshop 2.png SailmakerStudio.png SailmakerAtelier.png

Den daglige kalender

Hver dag indeholder en ny belønning! Åbn alle de daglige præmierlåger i sommerkalenderen for at få ekstra gevinster fra aztekernes kiste. Find den turkise nøgle hver dag og lås op for dagens kalendervindue. Hvis I allerede har fundet en hel nøgle på en dag, samler I i stedet turkise nøgledele, som I kan sætte sammen for at låse op for manglende dage! Hvis lykken tilsmiler jer med dobbeltnøgler fra x2, får I en turkis nøgledel som bonus.


In the chest you can also get a new unique reward: Kaptajn Baos lager! This 3x4 building is a calendar exclusive reward.

Kaptajn Baos lager 3x4

The Leagues

What self respectin' pirate doesn't like to toss chips with their peers? With the League you can measure progress against yer fellow buccaneers and win extra swag the higher you place!

This years exclusive Gold League reward is the The Jade Booty Bar

The Jade Booty Bar



Feast yer eyes on a ship to put fear in the hearts of yer enemies! Win this beauty and much more in the pirating event of the season!

The Dragon’s Breath
Reward icon upgrade kit SUM24A-eeb578351.png A Level 1 The Dragon’s Breath can be found as the first grand prize reward of the questline and can then be upgraded using Dragon’s Breath Upgrade Kits.
Drageånde - Niv. 1
Drageånde - Niv. 2
Drageånde - Niv. 3
Drageånde - Niv. 4
Drageånde - Niv. 5
Drageånde - Niv. 6
Drageånde - Niv. 7
Drageånde - Niv. 8
Drageånde - Niv. 9

Sølvdragens ånde Blodrød drageånde
Link= Brug et sølv opgraderingssæt til at opgradere din Drageånde niv. 9 til Sølvdragens ånde. Link= Brug et guld opgraderingssæt til at opgradere Sølvdragens ånde til Blodrød drageånde.


Gylden drage-gong

Available from:

  • The Calendar Chest
  • The League rewards
  • The Gold Pass
Gylden drage-gong - Niv. 1 (1x1) Gylden drage-gong - Niv. 2 (1x1) Ascended Golden Dragon Gong (1x1)

Zheng's Golden Bell

Available from:

  • The Calendar Chest
  • The League rewards
  • The Silver Pass

Zheng's Golden Bell - Lv. 1 (1x1) Zheng's Golden Bell - Lv. 2 (1x1) Zheng's Ophøjet gyldne klokke (1x1)


Finally, no new event would be perfect without new avatars!

Adrie Adrian Castillo Thomas Kay Marie Miguel Zheng Yi Sao Captain Bao
Avatar1.png Avatar2.png Castillo.png Thomas.png Kay.png Marie24.png Miguel.png ZhengYiSao.png Bao.png

Quest reward

Quest reward

League reward

Calendar reward

Event reward

Silver pass reward

Silver pass reward

Gold Pass reward

Gold Pass reward