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Alder - Din fremgang er opdelt i tidsaldre. De forskellige aldre kan du se i teknologitræet.
Hæftede Enheder - Enheder rekrutteret i en militærbygning.
Tilgængelig befolkning - Antallet af ledige borgere i din by.


Byggeplaner - Dele af en bygningstegning, som er nødvendig for at opføre Storslåede Bygninger.


Kulturrelle bygninger - Bygninger der bidrager med glæde i din by . Kultur bygninger skal være forbundet med vej.


Daglig udregning - En gang i døgnet, udregnes den daglige styrke, opnået gennem Klan versus Klan, fordeles på klanens niveau, samtidigt fordeles klanens støtte til sektorer på KvK kortet.
Dekoration - Bygning eller struktur, der bidrager med glæde. Disse fylder normalt ikke så meget , og behøves ikke at være forbundet med vej.
Varelager - Varelager kan du finde på kontinent kortet. De bruges til at forøge netop den specefikke varerbygnings produktion
Diamanter - Primær handelsmønt på Forge of Empire. Tildeles spillere gennem event, opgaver. Kan tilkøbes i forskellige pakker.


Påskeæg - Æg, der bruges under den årlige Påskeevent. Disse placeres hos andre spillere. Påskeæg er kun disponible under eventet.
Event - Tidsbegrænset ekstra opgave, som normalt giver mulighed for at vinde specielle belønninger.
Udvidelse - anvendes til at udvide det tilgængelige bygningsareal af byen. En udvidelse forøger arealet med 16 felter.


Forge Point (FP) - Forge Point bruges til at udforske nye teknologier, samt til at få Storslåede bygninger op i højere niveau.


Great Building (GB) - special buildings that give your city certain bonuses and can be leveled up by Forge Points.
Guild Expedition (GE) - cooperative feature where you and your guildmates fight your way through a number of battlefields to get ahold of rewards and guild power.
Good building - building that produces resources like: lumber, marble, iron. Good deposit - goods deposits are available on continent map. You need them to boost production of specific good
Guild - group of players working together to achieve certain bonuses.
Guild vs Guild (GvG) - cooperative feature where you and your guildmates fight to expand your guild's territory and hold on to it.


Happiness - indicator that shows you how happy your citizens are - more happiness means your workers will be more productive.


Inventory - place where you can store items acquired from quests, events and Guild Expeditions like special buildings, blueprints, seasonal currency, Forge Points packages etc. You can also check how many goods you have in your storage here. You cannot store here any buildings that were already built.


Market - place where you can trade your goods with other players or merchants.
Medals - resources gained from tournaments or special buildings.
Military building - building that allows you to recruit battle units.


Negotiation - peaceful way of solving an encounter or conflict by spending some goods.


Power - resource collected by guilds to get boosts that can be gained from Guild vs Guild, Guild Expeditions and special buildings.
Population - number of citizens in your city.
Prestige - Prestige is calculated from the level of a guild and the daily power. It is used for the global guild ranking.
Production building - building that produces supplies.
Province - small part of the continent map which gives special rewards when acquired.
Push - a push account is an account that is mainly used to help another account while neglecting other parts of the game. Operating a push account or knowingly benefiting from it is forbidden.
PvP tournament- weekly challenge that allows players to compete agains each other.


Quests - special tasks that need to be done in order to get some prize.


Resources - coins, supplies, medals, goods, Diamonds an other special currencies.
Research Tree - to progress you need to unlock technologies available in Research Tree.
Residential building - building that provides you citizens to work in your city.


Sector - special assignments from your advisors that you need to complete to get special prizes.
Stars - resources used in Winter Event.
Support - group of volunteers helping other players via our support system.


Tower - represents outgoing tournament and allows participants to check their current ranking.
Team/FoE Team - supporters, forum moderators and other volunteers that help players on every day basis.
Tickets - resources used in Summer Casino during Summer Event.


Units - soldiers and machinery that fight for you in battles.
Unattached units - units produced by Alcatraz, gained as quest rewards or won in events.